Question for White Forum Members

So whose fault was that? Who is ultimately responsible? White people? Ha! Circular logic in the realm of identity politics is not a problem solver.

White people don’t control the global financial system. We all know who runs that shitshow.

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Yeah? Then who does? The JOOOOOS? Aren’t they white too?

Only when they get caught doing something wrong.

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HA ha ha! Yeah ok! Thanks that was a good one! :rofl: :rofl:

It’s true. Many such cases.

None of it really matters, we are about to head off the cliff and that’s a good thing.

Greatest gift Whites ever gave to me and my people!

What happened to “God”? When did you stop believing?

What’s up with this racist bullshit?

Its not racist! Taking responsibility for your own actions is what is in focus. That goes for every race! The human race in today’s discourse is experiencing a crisis and making it about race is not only wrong but immoral as well.

There you go making assumptions about me.

I believe in God and as a sinner I accept Jesus Christ as my savior.

Difference is, I know who killed Jesus and I know who has his blood on their hands…for generations.

Yeah sorry, I didn’t know you are or shall we say a so called Christian.

My point is, the nation as a whole fell far from God.

Yeah - you better come off that real quick.

Come off of what? Do tell.

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Calling me a so-called Christian. I don’t appreciate that implication.

How can you call yourself a Christian? Seriously? Self examination is fundamental to understanding it truly, and putting it into practice. Disparaging another people is not only hypocritical but wrong. Not according to Jesus’s teachings.

Who killed Christ? If you read the Bible you know the answer and you know what the Sanhedrin said in response to Pilot.

Christianity isn’t about being a pussy.

Yeah sorry, you got it wrong on a false pretense. Jesus was a ■■■■ and it doesn’t give you an excuse to hate. That is the difference. Christianity is not about promoting hate!

Who said I hate? You were just droning on and on about blaming white people and wanting whites to be responsible for the actions of their ancestors.

I hold people to account. In this case, it’s the word of God and I am holding the guilty accountable, according to their wishes.

Why are you changing the subject? You went

These are your words. Pivot now because you just exposed your own hypocrisy.

If you are really a christian like you say you are then I invite you to the BGS where we can have a more robust discussion. If not then I am at peace where this conversation goes.