Question about disappearing posts

I am new here, signed up about an hour ago. Several of my posts have disappeared already. Can an administrator look at the posts and tell me what happened so I can stop it? Thank you very much

They were probably flagged due to your name calling and personal attacks on fellow posters. Not a good start.

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All views are welcome here. Personal attacks are not. It’s the one rule we have. Our founder is out squaring away family issues. I’ve got the ball. I’m not nearly as patient or as nice.

Just a warning. Most of the greybeards here know me and know I am not the type to fool around.

Get your point across without an attack. If it’s a thread derailment issue, flag it appropriately. Coordinated flag attacks will result in a ban for both parties.


If you have not yet done so, I suggest you read:

A perusal of my 3000+ posts since we founded will likely show several (if not many) cases in which I ignored the guidelines. I have tempered myself some since first joining at, but I still have work to do on that issue.

What I’m suggesting is that you do as I say, not as I do.

Address the issues, not the character of the posters that you do not like.

If you find a post offensive or clearly out of line, flag it and do not respond to it.

Flags draw the attention of the moderators who understandably do not have the time to read every post made. However, frivolous flagging is worse (to me) than not flagging at all.

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I did not name call or attack anybody although I did have to defend myself a few times from a couple of people like you

I understand. Thank you. But I was curious about the actual specific posts themselves, the several that got deleted. I would like to know what was wrong with those specifically because I don’t think that I did anything wrong, but maybey I did according to your particular community. If you could let me know I would appreciate it

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You’ll never see me personally insult you or call you a name. Besides being a Debbie downer to debate, it’s a violation of the rules you agreed to when you joined. I flagged two of your posts in which you called another poster a name in one and personally insulted a poster in another. Just take on the content of a post you disagree with, civilly, and you’ll be fine…:+1:

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Go to your messages and you can view hidden content.

Are you a moderator? I am trying to ask the moderator. I would appreciate it if you stopped trolling me. You have done nothing but troll me since I got here and you are probably responsible for my disappearing posts somehow, the more I learn about how this place works. I’d appreciate it if you let me speak to the moderator and butt out

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BLAM! He’s got monte’s MO down. Took him a couple of hours.

Trust the plan. Q. WWG1WGA.

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No, @Tyfoon explained to you that he’s acting moderator.

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Not trolling, you asked a question and I answered it. Others here have given you answers as well.


I already told you I flagged two posts, but it takes three to hide content…:man_shrugging:

LOL. You’re trolling right now!! Good grief. You used three post to troll him instead of one.
The man said leave him alone. What the hell is the matter with you. Why do Liberals hate and attack so much. Are you an Antifa brownshirt?


If you’d prefer to be on ignore, I can accommodate. :+1:

I like it @Tyfoon - don’t take any shit!


Do you mods see this? Monte used four posts to attack one post by a new member when he only needed one. That is spamming AND trolling.

I see a lot of whining and bellyaching. I also see a lot of bait getting dropped in this thread. Stop filling up my inbox with this trash.


Agreed. They need to go back to Reddit. This is no place for them.

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