President Trump to Temporarily Suspend Immigration into US

If these people have a serious problem working for less in their own country, they should do something about it. Start an uprising a revolt. That will at least, shake their government. Because, they will know - the whole world is watching.

As long as we do nothing about raising the standard of living in Countries like Mexico and other third World countries nothing will change but the lowering of ours.

That isn’t up to us to “raise the standard of living”. That is up to the countries such as Mexico and other countries. Like Trump, we are not going to keep pandering for these countries anymore.
If these people find the need to do something that they dislike about their government, they will revolt. It will take the government to use military reasons “to upset the apple cart”.

Americans love cheap products , seniors are on fixed incomes , so if the can buy a toaster for $29 then will buy it and not the one made in the USA that cost $89 . You will allow find someone willing to work for less money which drives down the standard of living .

One of the reasons why Americans end up buying Chinese goods. Because, it’s cheap.

A Sony tv is much cheaper than a Panasonic tv (any size).

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We have a enormous say in raising the standard of living in other Countries by refusing to buy their goods unless a living wage is paid , and that would stop 75% of the foreigners from coming here . They don’t want to leave their extended families and start all over . just saying .

This guy has America’s best interests at heart, just like when he was pushing the Iraq War.

[quote=“tt53, post:10, topic:7901”]
That should upset the 23,000,000 on unemployment .
[/quote]The unemployed are learning to love unemployment. 600 a month bonus is more than some people make working.

[quote=“LouMan, post:48, topic:7901, full:true”]

How long do you see this trend last? It’s bound to recover by Summer? Yes? The unemployment shouldn’t be that high by then.

No one knows if the corona will act like the flu and subside for the summer.

The economy, business can be turned off at a whim however they cannot be turned on at a moments notice. People will return to work when demand is sufficient to support the workers.
How many people that visit restaurants will have been damaged by the government over reach?
How many will have ben evicted from their homes?
How many will have little left is savings?

Well, JCPenny and Neiman Marcus are filing for bankruptcy. As for restaurants, I am sure time will tell. Some in Michigan have already folded due to the lockdown.

Trump passed a bill in March that landlords cannot evict tenants from their apartments or living quarters during the crisis.

I am sure as soon as these folks get their stimulus checks, it will all be gone. So, basically…nothing has really changed.



It was the Governors that signed some bill that prevents landlords from evicting tenants. Not Trump. My error.

So the Gov says that people cannot be evicted for non payment. Yet the landlord has money due for the loan that funds the building. The bank forecloses on the landlord.

Government intervention at its finest.

This is just one of many.

Great incentive to buy and rent out properties isn’t it.

It’s $600 a week in addition to weekly unemployment BUT most have NOT been able to even apply because the lines are so tied up over 20,000,000 have NOT received a dime yet and it’s been 6 plus weeks for most . And president Trump is ONLY stopping those applying for permanent citizenship and NOT farm workers etc .

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Yet, there are those who have and are reaping the benefits. This was predicted and not unexpected.

Short term thinking over long term planning. If I were an employee, I’d jump at this chance because this help is short term. Employers have long memories.

As do employees , they want to work and get paid too .

I can see that happening in Washington state. After all, just like their neighboring state - Oregon - they are “sanctuary” states. Just as California and a few others. They are what we would call “Enabler” states.

The state government(s) “enables” these folks to be this way. In return as “reward”, the folks are “given” free stuff! The more “free” stuff these folks [can] get, the less they are willing to work.

This is one of the many reasons why illegals are “allow” to work. Because, these states (and cities) won’t report (or deport) them to any Federal officials.
And therefore, that hurts the average American worker, who is just trying to make a decent living. But in the long-term, they are basically “surviving”.

These employers are the backbones of the American economy. But they only count a very small percentage of the rest of what makes up the U.S. economy.

What illegal immigrant wouldn’t want to work, and make what an average American makes? So, they get hired by these employers. Because, you have these other folks who don’t want to work - because, they rather collect unemployment benefits instead. So, these employers have to “fill in the gap” somehow. In order to keep their business afloat.

Want to know why Kushner is in the WH? He has dirt on Trump.

Think about it. Why is he even in the White House? We’ve been asking that question since his early appointment as ‘adviser’ to Trump. Why is Kushner so important that Trump would want him ? Is he really that talented, intelligent, insightful, or whatever, that Trump had to have him as adviser? The answer to that is quite obviously, no. Again, he has big dirt on Trump.

I don’t know what it is, but the first thing that comes to mind is his, some would say, unnaturally affectionate relationship with Ivanka, which would perhaps indicate a sexual involvement. And if that’s true, it would not be hard for Jared to fill in the blanks, or if Ivanka in an unguarded moment, divulged her secret.

Anyway, that simple speculation above would easily explain the Kushner Conundrum.

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