What “bar” did Trump lower?
I didn’t vote for Trump. But, given how he has exposed the liberal agenda and faced it head on? It it is looking like he will have my vote in 2020.
That’s debatable, and certainly not to be used to beat up other countries to make them do what we want when it has NOTHING to do with trade…
That’s a horrible precedent to be setting. And anyway, if Trump’s not just blowing smoke out his ass again, looks like McConnell may just prevent him from doing so.
I replied to your inquiry as to why I considered insults to be a bad thing. You responded by bringing President Trump into the conversation.
Could we just talk about the general principle, please?
Your post started out with being about Trump which is the post I replied to. So is the topic.
If you’d like to speak in generalities then please qualify your post as such.
Yes, I began my post with a direct reference to President Trump; but the OP was not about insults. Any reference thereto came later.

Trump was not voted into office for his diplomacy skills. Quite the opposite. About the last thing we need in this country right now are politically correct double-speakers.
I believe that Donald Trump was voted into office as a reaction to eight years of a far-left president. (I can sort of understand how Barack Obama won in 2008–Americans probably felt guilty for never having had an African-American president–but his re-election in 2012 is a bit harder to explain; except, perhaps, for the fact that Mitt Romney was not a truly inspiring alternative.)
And “political correct[ness]” and “double-speak” are certainly not good synonyms for mere politeness and decency.
No, but your topic was. Not trying to split hairs but if you didn’t want it to be specific then you should lead the way in the tone or qualify that you wish it to remain generic.

I believe that Donald Trump was voted into office as a reaction to eight years of a far-left president. (I can sort of understand how Barack Obama won in 2008–Americans probably felt guilty for never having had an African-American president–but his re-election in 2012 is a bit harder to explain; except, perhaps, for the fact that Mitt Romney was not a truly inspiring alternative.)
There is truth to that along with that the alternative was even worse: Hillary.

And “political correct[ness]” and “double-speak” are certainly not good synonyms for mere politeness and decency.
Perhaps not between people like you and I, but in political circles where what you don’t say speaks volumes and what you say in public versus what you actually do is a language unto itself.

I can sort of understand how Barack Obama won in 2008–Americans probably felt guilty for never having had an African-American president
Lol, I can’t believe that you think Americans voted for Obama out of guilt.
Of course they did. The guy was a community organizer and junior senator. He had nothing else.
Look at what your current front runner said…
“I mean, you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a story-book, man,”
Anything about Obama’s plan? Nope. Anything about Obama’s accomplishments? Nope. Anything about Obama’s policies? Nope. But he’s black… and clean… apparently a shocking combination to liberals.
You can tell you libs voted only because he was black because that is all you ever say about him… he’s black. He’s black. He’s black. That is all he is to you … black skin.
If I criticize Obama’s policies you say … “Oh… Obama is black. You don’t like his black skin”
If I criticize his speeches, and responses to crime events like Ferguson, you say …“Oh…Obama is black. You don’t like his black skin”
If I criticize his suspicious education transcripts and birth records, you say “Oh…Obama is black. You don’t like his black skin”
That’s all you see. Black black black black black black.
You all are racists and you hate that about yourselves. So you voted to ease your guilt. That didnt really help so then you projected your disgust for black people onto others. Classic Jungian shadow projection. So in your mind, everyone who criticized Obama was a racist. You were simply trying to ease your own guilt. Elitist liberals… of course you are racist and you feel terrible about it. Guilty!

but his re-election in 2012 is a bit harder to explain;
Why, just look at his job approval numbers compared to Trump’s.
Trump is at 40%. Obama was at 40% in his third year too.

It probably is not a really good idea to begin a discussion with laughter toward the position of another.
Meet the typical Trumper, they’re just like him, little clones.