Poll numbers are looking good for republicans, early

What I find so amazing is how the left wing morons could STILL be mad at Trump, who CLEARLY was the total OPPOSITE of a NeoCon.

MSNBC is advocating for Maricopa to county arrest, volunteers, showing up to watch drop boxes because theyā€™re saying they are intimidating voters lol

For the love of God, sue this media organization, get a court to issue a deceased and desist order !

The left calls anyone on the right NeoCons. They arenā€™t exactly the sharpest knives in the drawer.

The loathing for Trump is not much of a policy thing - he was a repudiation of the political class of both parties, he killed many of their sacred cows and showed that much of the ā€œconventional wisdomā€ of the supposed smart people is empty. He humiliated and de-fanged the political machines of the Bushes and Clintons, pretty much by himself.

Thatā€™s why they hate him and are determined to squash him and anyone who dares to have those sentiments. They know that thereā€™s a lot of people who are on to them, and they canā€™t let that stand.

And they are TERRIFIED of him, because they KNOW his coattails will be electing Republicans to take over Congress this fall, and they KNOW he will easily be reelected in a BIGGER landslide than before.

He had some questionable individuals in his cabinet or thereabouts. eg. Kushner, Bolton

I think he received bad advice, I think the last time a president hand picked their cabinet with out influence was George Washington

If the GOP has a good day, it wonā€™t be because theyā€™ve figured much out or have changed their spots - itā€™s because the Democrats are such a symphony of destruction. The GOP is still mostly people who go along and get along and are afraid to fight about anything.

Itā€™s not much because of Trump, either - heā€™s become a net liability, heā€™ll lose if he runs again. Heā€™s proven heā€™s not capable of running things, he doesnā€™t have any allies and he would need a mountain of them to fight the sinister forces allied against him. You might as well give up the hope that he can still lead the counter-revolution. His strategy is still the one he had in 2016 - rattle cages, turn over applecarts, laugh at the clods in the media. Been there, done that, amusing but not going to fix anything.

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Almost all of his endorsements have won.
Everyone in the house will be his hand picked ally.

I sometimes wonder where you get your news from.

He got beat by a mannequin with pre-recorded talking points. How much more evidence do you need that heā€™s dogmeat?

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He had more votes than any sitting president, 11 million new votersā€¦ what exactly are you looking for here? Lol

Keep feeding them 'bread and circuses!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Another anti trumper, I bet you used to be a Bernie fan lol

I knew you were a Bernie fucking voter :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Commie fuck

Mostly Fox on the Internet, and a few other sources. I donā€™t watch broadcast FoxNews on television because it is so successful that thereā€™s probably more commercials than actual reporting. I donā€™t really have that much time to wade through one Medicare Advantage commercial after another.

No RAV??? Some good shows

Maybe beating Biden? Having a plan? The Dodgers won 111 games this year, so theyā€™re in the world series, right?

So you want trump to hold back? you want a McCain, Romneyā€¦ you want a puss. Iā€™ll stay with the guy who swings back. I canā€™t even stomach you weak cowards.

11 million new votersā€¦ and you complain.

Notice the jealous blonde sticking her device directly in her Tudors face. So ignorant.

ā€œEveryone has a plan until they get punched in the face.ā€ ~ Mike Tyson