You are missing the big picture. The Democratic Party is the party of progress. Our policies tend to be more forward-thinking than those of the Republicans, and they’re often more attuned to the needs of ordinary Americans. So, it should come as no surprise that Democrats have been winning and will keep winning more and more elections.
If even 50% of the media reported a moderate news report, Democrat party wouldn’t exist.
Pennsylvania doesnt know Fettermans record because the news doesn’t report it.
All politicians are trash. They lie, they cheat, they steal, and they’re always looking out for themselves. They’ll do whatever it takes to get elected, and then they’ll do whatever it takes to stay in power. They don’t care about the people they represent, they only care about their own agendas. And when things go wrong, they always blame someone else. They’re dishonest, greedy, and power-hungry. In short: they’re trash.
Fetterman is a typical limousine liberal…he preaches progressive values while enjoying the benefits of a privileged lifestyle. While he pretends to be working class, he is out of touch with the realities of working-class life. Fetterman advocates for policies that would make life easier for those in poverty but has never actually done anything to help them. He’s a political actor and nothing more.
He’s a really bad actor too. I saw a live speech with him the other day and he uses these confused black dudes as props behind him. Weird as hell.
Democrats have been the party of slavery, (fighting a bloody civil war to keep their slaves), then the Jim Crow laws, the KKK (which at one point was powerful enough to influence Supreme Court justice appointments), then opposing the Civil Rights Act and the destruction of the black family unit with the welfare state. There was never a time in history in which the Democrats EVER represented a forward-looking philosophy, since their ideology comes from Marx’s Communist Manifesto, which was published in the early 19th Century. The Republican Party represented the end of slavery, blacks being able to vote, women being able to vote, and the best economies of the 20th and 21st Century.
Certainly if politicians were required to actually work a real job before getting elected, a Fetterman would not have been possible.
He had a stroke. His speech is impaired because of it. And he was a lousy speaker before the stroke.
Except for Trump. He came into the game a self made billionaire. His company lost money during his presidency, although most of America saw its income rise while the cost of living dropped.
Since Truman, Trump is the ONLY president not to leave office richer than when he entered it.
In the state of Pennsylvania, liberals have a lot off contempt for rural folk. These elitist assholes actually think they are better than small town residents.
WHAT ???
Is high crime PROGRESS ?
Is high taxes PROGRESS ?
Is defunding police PROGRESS ?
Is flooding cities with ILLEGALS PROGRESS ?
Is pressing 2 for English PROGRESS ?
Is looting and arson PROGRESS ?
Is trying to erase our history PROGRESS ?
Is abandoning our Constitution PROGRESS ?
Is declaring ALL whites privileged PROGRESS ?
Is hating America PROGRESS ?
Is making minorities totally dependent PROGRESS ?
Is promoting division PROGRESS ?
Is teaching 10 year old children homosexuality PROGRESS ?
Is bankrupting a Nation PROGRESS ?
Is embracing thug life PROGRESS ?
Is blaming whitey for all the problems in the world PROGRESS
Is double digit inflation PROGRESS ?
Is 65,000,000 abortions PROGRESS ?
Is record number welfare cases PROGRESS ?
Is the creation of the KKK PROGRESS?
Is rigging elections PROGRESS?
Is pointless COVID protocols PROGRESS?
Is blaming everything on climate change PROGRESS ?
Is being an asshole all your life PROGRESS ?
I couldn’t have said it any better
Fucking gay as hell !!! dipshit
Has any endorsement of Fetterman been made by any SANE person?
Well I think Biden endorsed him lol
I guess the CRIMINALLY INSANE are all FOR Feckless Fetterman because of his soft stance on crime…
Philadelphia must be a real cesspool…and the first thing I think of when I see a stroke in someone so young is drug abuse. You can look it up for yourself.
He was also extremely over weight, he’s never had a real job
Sounds about right. I’ll got to Philly only at gunpoint.
Very true.
One would think his deep pocket family could have afforded some liposuction, rather than braino suction.