Can you quote that as a refresher please?
“Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.” – February, 2015
“I also know that Islam has always been a part of America’s story” – June, 2009
“Islam has always been part of America” – August, 2010
Of course he notes in other places that NYC got its first Islamic center in the 1890s and America’s first mosque in North Dakota (1929) … kinda late for always … but he is a Left wing lawyer so I really don’t expect much from him. I even give him a technical pass for mismanaging the Chicago Annenburg Challenge (s) since no one would expect a mere lawyer to understand the value of funding remedial education rather than socially progressive fare. (/s)
Ah yes, referring to the Islamic slaves. They were brought to North America before the United States even existed. They were brought to Jamestown, so even before the colonies existed.
What’s your beef with Obama pointing this out, other than the traditional guilt of white America that would just as soon forget about the wretched institution our ancestors marketed?
Oh please, your Muslim slaves were often just fine with slaving right until the moment their Muslim bosses running the kidnapping of other (non-Muslim) Africans grabbed them to bulk out a shipment.
As for the guilt you want to assign, it pales before that of abortion.
Oh, but you were trying to deny that Muslims were a part of earliest America as Obama correctly stated.
Being here and being important to the founding of the country or its principals are two entirely separate matters.
They were immaterial.
That’s a typical racist comment.
You’re abusing Obama’s words.
Seems he doesn’t understand the difference in “History” and “Prehistoric”.
Marriage is documented in the very oldest records that exist, even in old cave drawings and paintings.
Muslim is not a race you idiot.
What were the historical contributions of Muslims to our founding? Our founding documents?
Provide links and citations.
Not racist at all.
It is simply a fact that no matter the injustice done to a proverbial cog in a machine it was just that.
As for those who weren’t formerly Muslim slavers, they do deserve pity and empathy.
But as for and Muslims grabbed by their superiors to make the quota of slaves, well, that they were the slavers moments before makes their fate more like being hoisted by their own petards.
I can well imagine the people that they’d helped to kidnap (people innocent of wrongdoing but just where Muslims could attack them) thinking that the former slaver sitting there in chains had got what they deserved.
Zero’s words abuse history,
He said they were a part of our history from the beginning. As slaves from Jamestown going forward building the country. It’s a true comment.
Incidental oddities out of a whole population are not Islam being woven into the fabric of America.
Slavery was an institution, and certainly not “incidental” to those who suffered under it. And if there’s one thread woven into s piece of fabric, it’s woven into the fabric…
Once again, what contributions did Muslims make to the founding of the US? Slave labor is not a contribution to same.
List examples with references.
Seem true enough…
The odd Muslim was an incidental oddity.
Any lint on a cloth isn’t part of a fabric.
Again, slavery may be incidental to you, but it certainly wasn’t to those who suffered through the wretched institution while they labored away without compensation building the wealth of the Christian “puritans” that drove them.
Uh…Muslim slaves? You mean people enslaved by Muslims? My family was enslaved by the Muslim Ottomans … even up to 50 years AFTER all American slaves were freed. So just stop with “oh the poor muslims”. And plenty of other Americans have the same shave heritage, having descended from legal immigrants that came from previously enslaved white people… not part of any wealth building christian puritan club that you imagine.