Panetta Claims Israel’s Pager Explosion Operation Was a 'Form of Terrorism'

I agree the Gazans are weak people to have elected HAMASS to power and are reaping the seeds that they sown.
All the money they received went to building tunnels under hospitals etc and to Hamass leaders lifestyle in other Arab countries and yet people BITCH about civilian casualties when they were put in harms way by those they elected. How many times does Israel have to tell them to evacuate before they get the message.

Where would you have them evacuate to?

Over 2.3 million are order to move FAST , how does that happen ? Where in the hell are they suppose to go ? Neighboring Egypt’s borders are mostly closed .
How much more land does Israel need ?

Apparently… all of it.

As always you’re full of shit.

It’s not about land but about the security of a country surrounded by hate. How did this begin. Invasion of Israel by Hamas, civilians randomly killed and some taken hostage. Rocket attacks via Lebanon.

You want the Joos to determine your fate.
Good luck on that.

I don’t necessarily disagree, but how did Israel come to aquire so much land that was at one time Palestine? Where are the Palestinians supposed to go/live when all of their land has been aquired by Israel? How is this topic never broached by any powers that be?

In 1948, Israel conducted massacres in a few Palestinina villages and let the rumor fly (on purpose) that Joos were killing everybody.

Sure enough, Palestinians ran for their lives. In their absence, Joos grabbed the land. Later on, Joos claimed that Palestinians “voluntarily” abandoned their land.

Because Joos control these governments and mainstream media.

It’s about ABUSE .

Israel: 50 Years of Occupation Abuses

(Jerusalem) – Fifty years after Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip, it controls these areas through repression, institutionalized discrimination, and systematic abuses of the Palestinian population’s rights, Human Rights Watch said today.

At least five categories of major violations of international human rights law and humanitarian law characterize the occupation: unlawful killings; forced displacement; abusive detention; the closure of the Gaza Strip and other unjustified restrictions on movement; and the development of settlements, along with the accompanying discriminatory policies that disadvantage Palestinians.
“Whether it’s a child imprisoned by a military court or shot unjustifiably, or a house demolished for lack of an elusive permit, or checkpoints where only settlers are allowed to pass, few Palestinians have escaped serious rights abuses during this 50-year occupation,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “Israel today maintains an entrenched system of institutionalized discrimination against Palestinians in the occupied territory – repression that extends far beyond any security rationale.”
In the West Bank, Israeli security forces have routinely used excessive force in policing situations, killing or grievously wounding thousands of demonstrators, rock-throwers, suspected assailants, and others with live ammunition when lesser means could have averted a threat or maintained order.
Illegal Settlements
Israeli authorities have since 1967 facilitated the transfer of its civilians to the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. In 1967, Israel established two settlements in the West Bank: Kfar Etzion and East Talpiot; by 2017, Israel had established 237 settlements there, housing approximately 580,000 settlers. Israel applies Israeli civil law to settlers, affording them legal protections, rights, and benefits that are not extended to Palestinians living in the same territory who are subjected to Israeli military law. Israel provides settlers with infrastructure, services, and subsidies that it denies to Palestinians, creating and sustaining a separate and unequal system of law, rules, and services.
Forced Displacement
Israeli authorities have expropriated thousands of acres of Palestinian land for settlements and their supporting infrastructure. Discriminatory burdens, including making it nearly impossible for Palestinians to obtain building permits in East Jerusalem and in the 60 percent of the West Bank under exclusive Israeli control (Area C), have effectively forced Palestinians to leave their homes or to build at the risk of seeing their “unauthorized” structures bulldozed. For decades, Israeli authorities have demolished homes on the grounds that they lacked permits .

More than 600,000 Jews live in about 140 settlements built in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Most of the international community considers the settlements illegal under international law.

“Across these areas and in most aspects of life, Israeli authorities methodically privilege Jewish Israelis and discriminate against Palestinians,” it says.

"Laws, policies, and statements by leading Israeli officials make plain that the objective of maintaining Jewish Israeli control over demographics, political power, and land has long guided government policy .

“Denying millions of Palestinians their fundamental rights, without any legitimate security justification and solely because they are Palestinian and not Jewish, is not simply a matter of an abusive occupation,” said Kenneth Roth, Human Rights Watch’s executive director.

At one time Palestine: How far back in history do you want to go? The Twelve Tribes
of Israel formed the first constitutional monarchy in Palestine about 1000 B.C. The second king, David, first made Jerusalem the nation’s capital. Although eventually Palestine was split into two separate kingdoms, Jewish independence there lasted for 212 years. This is almost as long as Americans have enjoyed independence in what has become known as the United States.

At one time 100% of the US belonged to Native Americans. Native Americans were wholesale killed and the remaining on reservations. How is Israel any different? The people were sent there from all over Europe/the world.

Who has claim?

The Twelve Tribes of Israel formed the first constitutional monarchy in Palestine about 1000 B.C. The second king, David, first made Jerusalem the nation’s capital. Although eventually Palestine was split into two separate kingdoms, Jewish independence there lasted for 212 years. This is almost as long as Americans have enjoyed independence in what has become known as the United States.

The Palestinians are descended from them.
Today’s European Joos (Ashkenazi) are Turks from Eastern Asia who decided to convert to Pharisee Judaism in the 9th century AD in what is today Ukraine.

These Ashkenazi Joos have ZERO claim to the land of Palestine.

Prophet Ezekiel refer to these fake Ashkenazi Joos as Gog and Magog, or enemy of God and thieves and murderers from the north.

Gog = Gok-Turk = Khazar
Magog = Mongol = Khazar

Gog and Magog have allies who fight for them (NATO, US, and a bunch of shabbos goys).

Star with the Balfour Declaration

Why would you need the support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people if it was their land from the beginning ?
A view of the map over the last 60 years tells you who’s land it is and who stole it !!!

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The Joos have been terrorizing the nations for centuries and now they get their own medicine. A few millions of parasitic dual citizens gone, and the time is ripe for a Palestinian state.

I don’t know what language toward the end. It’s neither Hbrew nor Arabic

Balfour was a Joo working for the Rothschilds.
He, like many Joos in politics, betrayed Britain.

Ezra Pound was right: Keep Joos from the government.

(The major gangsters in the 1930s America were Joos. Italians were small fish. Sidenote to American history)

There should only be one state and that is Israel.

It doesn’t matter what name it takes, as long as it represents the population, epecially after the fake Joo Ashkenazi dual citizens leave Palestine for good.