Panetta Claims Israel’s Pager Explosion Operation Was a 'Form of Terrorism'

Fifty years after Israel](Israel/Palestine | Country Page | World | Human Rights Watch) occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip

You are missing the history of the area.

The area of Gaza including the city of Rafah which had a thriving Jewish community for nearly 300 years during the Middle Ages , with a number of Jewish relics such as letters and correspondence by the community members later being found in the Cairo Genizah, attesting to what is described as a “flourishing” Jewish presence until the 12th century with the Crusaders destruction of Gaza’s area.

With the rise of Islam in the 7th century, Gaza was conquered by the army of the Rashidun Caliphate were characterized by a certain level of religious tolerance, allowing Jews and Christians to practice their religions under the conditions of Dhimmi, a protected status for non-Muslims.

Who again was there first??? Test question, what is the The British mandate

Refresh my memory. Who has been bombing schools and hospitals?

Lives of 41,000 don’t mean shit because they are goyim. Yeah, you’re one of the goyim, unless you fess up otherwise.

Madeleine Albright said 500,000 Iraqi children was “worth it.” Right, she was a Joo. As long as you have them in governments, nothing changes, just like Ezra Pound warned.

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As you are completely a uninformed asshole idiot it really is unnecessary to further respond to moronic hitler types

Hitler was a Joo. There.

I really wonder why you don’t migrate to Israel.
Netanyahu needs all the useful idiots.

Netanyahu praised President Biden for his “half a century of friendship to Israel” and noted that the president describes himself as a “proud Zionist.” But that only served to highlight the shrinking number of Democratic politicians who would publicly describe themselves that way. Polls have consistently shown a deep partisan divide opening up over sympathy toward Israel.
Netanyahu will be traveling to Florida to meet with Trump . :rofl:

It would be great if all the free cell phones we are giving the illegals were purchased from the same company that made all those pagers and phones for Hamas and Hezbollah. One phone call and presto, no more illegals.

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Times of Israel said Biden collects yarmulkas (small religious Jooish hats, called kipah in Hebrew). Only Joos and crypto-Joos will collect such items.

The entire region is about to explode and we will get caught in the middle !

It’s because Bible-thumping morons support criminal Israel.

No… it’s because Bible thumping morons aren’t educated on the subject. They don’t understand/know what you know… and I know because I actually look into things. Bible thumping is a good thing, IMO. If more people read and followed the Bible, the better off this world would be. Again… just my opinion.

Reading the Bible is fine.
But the real problem is the interpreation of ancient texts that have been messed with for centuries.

For example, Jesus never said “Worship Yahweh,” or he himself did it.

It was written to make you feel guilty . How many that read the bible still think homosexuality is bad ? Why is there passages about an eye for an eye ? And turn the other cheek ? Did God turn the other Cheek ? What is meant by render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s ? Why do Chuches demand 10% then ? If the bible is truly the word of God then it shouldn’t change as the times change .

It was decided to put the Old and New Testaments together to form ONE book hundreds of years after Christ.

Teachings of Christ consisted of entirely different ideas from traditional Jooish beliefs and deities, especially Pharisee.

Christians need to wake up to fact that Yahweh is an evil deity. (Jesus denied Yahweh, but could not say it too blatantly. He said, however, that a loving father would not give snakes to his children, when they say they are hungry. That’s exactly what Yahweh did).

US Boosts Force Capability in Middle East to Support IDF Offensive , So AMERICAN TROOPS are the innocent players thanks to Biden and cabal .

In addition to the increased U.S. military presence are F-15, F-16, and A-10 warplanes .
Send the sons and daughters of the dem Senators and Congressmen !!!

43 Americans DEAD so far that we are aware of , WHY ARE WE THERE ?

A massive explosion rocked Beirut on Tuesday, flattening much of the port, damaging buildings across the capital and sending a giant mushroom cloud into the sky. At least 70 people were killed and 2,900 injured, with bodies buried in the rubble, officials said.

Hours later, ambulances still carried away the wounded as army helicopters helped battle fires raging at the port.

The sudden devastation overwhelmed a country already struggling with both the coronavirus pandemic and an economic crisis: Beirut hospitals quickly filled beyond capacity, pleading for blood supplies and generators to keep their lights on.

The US is sending a few thousand more troops to the Middle East to boost security.

The additional forces would raise the total number of troops in the region to as many as 43,000. But we all know that number is bullshit it’s more like 95,000 . Once again Israel is the direct cause of US troops getting killed !!!

Israel Declares UN Secretary-General 'Persona Non Grata !

How dare you disagree with the CHOSEN ONES .

Why is the USA responsible for providing aid to Gaza? What a fat, bloated government we have.
Imagine if the administration was this concerned about getting aid to people affected by the hurricane .

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The US built some kind of floating pier but it got washed away.
What was it for?