Palestinians are (true) Jews

And just like in the four previous wars they will utterly destroy those attacking them.

In fact if it goes far enough as to threaten to overrun Israel the nukes will be employed to destroy the capitols of those doing the attacking.

Blackmail is part and parcel of all intelligence agencies.

exactly the opposite of what they claim.

“those who say that they are ■■■■ and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan”
Revelation 2:9

Not only the Israelis but today’s Pharisees will reap what they deserve.

It’s not just the internet, but publishing and news media even in countries where they do not constitute a significant population

Just more of your litanies of lies they prove beyond a doubt the genetic legacy from Palestine/Levant heritage.

You and Amerika are still fighting the last war - you need to move on
The next war will be fought in the markets and in the court of public opinion - the same way SA fell without a shot being fired - Israel is an apartheid state and it will go the same way SA did.

…how Israel governs the US, but the only reason that it works is bc US has the reserve currency and can dictate to the rest of the world with the threat of its big stick. One day the dollar will fall and the world will no longer be scared of US.
And it has already started - The world has suddenly realised that the emporer has no clothes and they don’t give a shit what Amerika says or does anymore.
Just look at the countries that recently told Amerika to butt out - Iran, Iraq, Russia, China,NK, Turkey even KSA has started selling oil outside the dollar FFS.

Ezra Pound said: “Keep them out of banking, out of education, out of government.”
A country that does the exact opposite of this simple formula cannot survive.

Fabricated BS.

It’s utterly amazing that you folks think 18 million ■■■■ around the world actually control the other 7.8 billion.

If they can, then they really are the master race.

To make it even more laughable you expect us to believe that 8 million ■■■■ in a tiny desert country on the edge of the world with virtually no natural resources other than sterile dirt and a little water could somehow control it all.

Think how many Brits were in India (and Pakistan) to control the whole subcontinent until independence.

Over half a million troops with firearms were controlling unarmed, starving, ignorant savages.

That’s always been the case and always will be.

When only one side h as firearms the outcome is entirely predictable.

Exactly. That’s how the brainless US Armed Forces are used (to serve the unseen master).

Yet another bullshit conspiracy nut theory.

No but it is very easy for AIPAC to control congress(thru blackmail) and to make congress pay billions to Israel every year and to get them to initiate wars against Israel’s enemies in ME.
Problem you have is that the rest of the 7.8 billion are beginning to wake up and the blackmail doesn’t work anymore.

Many ■■■■ are actually victims of the Pharisee cabal, like the goyim, but are waking up as well.

Us? Who’s “us”?
In addition to the US as their slave, Israel has the Rothschilds behind them, who owned 1/3 of the entire world’s wealth at the turn of the century (which was 120 years ago).
How much do they own now? Several times over the entire wealth of the world.
How is it possible? The Fed (which the Rothschilds own) can create money out of thin air like magic.

And we know that they don’t so that fabricated BS isn’t going to fly.

Israel is the enemy of humanity, including righteous ■■■■■ and the US has been its proxy since 1913.

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Propaganda from the ■■■ haters. Gee, what a shocker coming from you.

He was flagged by a computer algorithm because of some of his associations and when given a chance to clear it up he refused.

Nobody but a US citizen has a right to enter the US.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not the product of ancient ethnic hatreds. It is the tragic clash between two peoples with claims to the same land. It is a manufactured conflict, the outcome of a 100-year-old colonial occupation by Zionists and later Israel, backed by the British, the United States and other major imperial powers.

Before the Zionists arrived (mostly from Russia), members of various religions lived peacefully together in Palestine for centuries.

“You will come from your place in the far north, you and many nations with you, all of them riding on horses, a great horde, a mighty army. You will advance against my people Israel like a cloud that covers the land”
Ezekiel 38:15–16

Most Christians got it wrong. Gog and Magog are Zionists from Russia, and are not Russians. Gog and Magog have allies who are the NATO fighting “my people” the Palestinians.

I discussed this before but again, “Gog and Magog” means “Gok-turks from Mongolia” who are Khazars.