OUT OF SHADOWS Documentary

It’s the divide and conquer strategy of tribal politics, brought to you by the French Intellectuals whose ambitions were to tear down traditional values and society and reshape it into their own image. The tangential response is to blame a particular group of people because it’s the most expedient way to expressing another groups grievances.

As Cathy O’Brien was saying ordinary good people are incapable of comprehending the depth of evil that is being practiced.

Eustace Mullins also wrote in his “The Curse of Canaan” that, in essence, good people cannot understand the magnitude of evil and refuse to accept its existence.

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What if they were the same people?

The title of the article says it all:

When ■■■■ Praised Mussolini and Supported Nazis: Meet Israel’s First Fascists

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Ah ha…the culprit is the French!

All that Baguette bread, wine and Beef Burgundy, transformed them into, Atheist, commie, over-reaching dwarves, that thought they were/are geniuses. All those verb conjugations turned them into mental midgets who let Hitler take their country. Germany too, had already discarded real religion in favor of fake intellect.

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There’s stuff going on ‘up there’ which we don’t even dare to imagine?

The shortcoming of good people is that they cannot imagine evil and evil people exist.

I often wonder what their thoughts will be on their death-beds dying in dreadful, unimaginable pain?

Maybe. Hard to put yourself in their shoes.
Maybe expecting a reward from their dark deity?

McMartin Preschool case 1983 in California that was covered up by 1990.

“Video couldn’t be decoded.”

Try watching it on another browser like Firefox, DuckDuckGo or Brave.

it works with brave If I enable JavaScript.

Child prostitution and human sacrifices are real, just like Cathy O’Brien said.
She also said Gerald Ford, Bush 41, Bill and Hillary, de la Madrid (Mexican President), and Trudeau (Canadian Prime Minister) were involved.

As if no one already knows this.

Frankly using O’Brien as a source is counter productive, like using Icke other claims made in the past hurts the case.

Upon further reflection of this film, and where it fails is its trying to address two issues simultaneously when in reality they are deserving of equal attention separately. The biggest issue for me is why our Government continues to give a free-pass to the tech companies while they continue unabated to infringe on free speech. The most common counter argument I keep hearing is that they are a private company and they can do what they want blah, blah. I accept that argument, only if their platform status is terminated. To me as it stands, this issue alone is one that is the most egregious and needs to be addressed ASAP, and the reason that it isn’t being addressed like it should is because government likes unfettered access to the data they find useful due to a particular political persuasion as well as the bribes that they’ve allowed themselves to indulge in. This has got to change if other issues such as what is being discussed in this film is going to see more sunlight. As it stands, a lot is being censored with impunity and is the lynchpin to addressing this very big problem as well as returning to a time where real news is allowed to do what it was intended to.

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And Oh and behold!


Like you knew it.
It’s always the know-it-alls that deny the truth.

I know that you don’t know what “truth” is.

Pleiadeans are smarter than you Greys. Live with it.



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