OUT OF SHADOWS Documentary

There was a old blind man sitting on a side of the road under the shade of a very large tree in Macedonia. There he was doing magic tricks, like making things levitate and vanish into thin air. It drew me closer to watch, when he then offered me a drink of ice cold water on a hot summer day. It was when our conversation started. He told me he was visited by God one night in a dream and was the reason he went blind. Of course my skeptical nature kicked in as I inquired further for details of his claim. He further elaborated that he was chosen for a very specific purpose. The old man continued, that he didn’t believe God was really choosing him, so God said to him that he will give him a choice. The first proposal was that the old man can continue as a normal human being but would bestow upon him a direction to how he should lead his life, an ordinary life that drinks from the carpenters cup. The second proposal was that God would reveal to the old man it’s true nature, but in doing so the old man would lose his sight but would be bestowed with special Super natural gifts and as Long he used those gifts to heal and to bless others that his life will be one of fulfilment and never have a desire for need or want. The old man choose the latter, and woke up not having the ability of his eyes.

After hearing this story, and discussing the topic of whether God was real or not, his last words of advice to me was, to kill my TV and start living in the now. I still have time to clean my aura he said. He saw something in me that I was not aware of at the time, but he knew of my pain of the loss of my father whose name was “Yellow Horse”. How could a stranger, a blind man whom I never met before know my Lakota roots and of my father? He said, know your true father! Needless to say, my life was never the same again.


You know, every deity, be it Buddhist, Hindu, or Christian God wants sacrifice from your part, but generally what the deity wants is your devotion and efforts toward self-improvement and social justice.
Not your babies.

Those that worship Satan or Moloch do.

This movie is total shit. It tries to divert the blame of the pedo rings from the ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ to the Nazis. It is nothing more than CIA/Mossad propaganda.


That was an interesting story. So you’re Lakotan.
30 years ago I supported a Lakota Christian Ministry school for children in South Dakota. They sent me a dream weaver too.

It’s wrong, but probably not directly, consciously malicious - boomer Christians love ■■■■ for reasons they do not comprehend.

It’s obvious disinfo that blames everything on muh nazis. Completely ridiculous.

You can tell it’s disinfo by the fact that it’s still up on YouTube with more than 10 million views.


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Communism and Nazism were both socialist creations from the same Satanic cult to control both sides. Rothchild’s Berlin Banks funded Hitler’s Nationalist movement. Na-Zi.



Satanic cult controlling both sides.

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It’s a gatekeeper documentary just like loose change

Points to christcucking, never talks about the tribe, and
only talks about “satanists” – so fake and gay.

Normies think they will be trained to investigate “satanists” rather than their true enemy.

Nailed it. If it was anything but it would have been gone, instantly.

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That is a total crock of shit. Hitler killed the central bank as a part of getting off the Treaty of Versailles debt wagon.

Also - your Facebook low quality memes are straight trash.

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That’s true.
It’s a slight divergence ala Alex Jones but real critical minds will begin to connect the dots.

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So instead of formulating a response based upon your own knowledge and research you decide to drop some shitty video that you expect me to watch because you are too uninformed or inarticulate on this matter to discuss further.

Since you brought up this absolutely retarded argument in the first place, allow me to shed some light on the economic conditions which lead to the rise of Hitler and the NSDAP.

Zionist ■■■■ had over a hundred representatives at the Versailles treaty conference. One of the Warburg brothers sat for Germany and the other one for USA during the conference.

There is a great deal of evidence to support the theory that one of the main objectives of the conference was to turn Germany communist, by destroying their economy and humiliating the country.

There were ■■■■■■ Bolshevik uprisings in Berlin, Bavaria, etc. as well as elsewhere in Europe e.g. Poland and Hungary.

Zionists in Britain and the US handed European countries over to ■■■■■■ Bolshevik Russia right up until Stalin turned on the ■■■■■■ Bolsheviks. It seems like the plan was to dominate the west through communism (then and now). Britain and the US were thoroughly infiltrated by Zionists and traitors.

Based on the outcome of the Treaty of Versailles, we know that humiliation was definitely a major factor. I recall a book on the Treaty which said that Clemenceau (President of France) in particular wanted Germany to be punished, by taking on France’s & England’s costs, in addition to losing national territory, and losing her colonies. Back then, money actually had meaning, and couldn’t just be printed up, so the costs for Germany were extraordinary (which ultimately led Hitler to destroy the central bank).

Each national delegation at the conference had a few ■■■■■■ translators, and I think they all resided in a single hotel in Paris, but I’m not sure that they themselves were responsible for the deal (as that is only a theory regarding the intentional inaccuracies of translations taking place). It seems more likely that it was petty bickering between fraternal nations, who didn’t realize the long-term consequences of what they were doing…regardless it ended badly for all concerned.

If you were a reader of history you would also know that lots of shady stuff went down between 1913 - 1921 (The Federal Reserve Act, the blackmail of Woodrow Wilson, Louis Brandeis leading a Zionist delegation to London in 1916/17, the American media “switch”, the USA’s entry into the war, the Balfour Declaration, the Treaty, and finally, the suffragette movement, concluding with voting rights for women).

But instead…you drop shit tier videos in an attempt to respond to me concerning a topic you know nothing about.

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Yet they will never make those connections complete as there is one consistent and central connection that is always overlooked because we aren’t allowed to talk about it. Funny how that works.

You are quite correct here but it’s important to note that going back further on the timeline, the communist revolts in Germany kicked off first, triggering the Germans to capitulate in order to stablize their home-front. It was entirely by design. Quite well orchestrated, I might add.

France wished to humiliate Germany, just as the Prussians had humiliated the French in demanding reparations at the first Treaty of Versailles following the Franco-Prussian war in 1871. This itself triggered the first Communist uprising which took over Paris for a few months (The Paris Commune). Again, Zionist bankers (Rothschilds to be precise) were heavily involved on both sides. The Franco-Prussian war was a dry-run for WW1.

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I honestly don’t think that ■■■■ had very much to do with it. The Entente governments had to make a harsh peace with Germany, or else they would have been facing revolts or electoral losses. France had been especially hard hit and the normal Frenchman who already hated Germans before the war, was not going to let them get off lightly.

There were many people who wanted an even harsher peace. After the Treaty of Versailles was signed, Ferdinand Foch, the French Supreme Commander said “This is not a peace. It is an armistice for twenty years.” because he believed that the peace would allow Germany to become a threat again, and he was right.

And to be honest, Versailles was not nearly as harsh as it could have been. The biggest problem was the war reparations, but they could easily have been paid after the German economy stabilized. Especially if Germany had not re-built its army. That kind of humiliation wasn’t new either. The Central Powers had demanded the same from the Russians at Brest-Litovsk.

I don’t think that the Western governments generally wanted to help the Soviets either. The Entente supported the Baltic countries, Poland, Finland and the Whites during their wars against the Soviets. And that was after just having fought the costliest war in history and with war weariness at an all time high.

Look, Patriot allows freedom of speech here and it’s always the same forces that want to shut PB down. Some people here focus the body of this force like opportunist ■■■■ and some on Zionists. that can be hypocrite ■■■■■ Muslims, Christians or atheists. Identifying Satanism hits at the head of the snake. We are allowed to talk and analyse it here on PB.

Yes - we have freedom of speech here the same as you and are permitted to offer counter views and opinions.

To address your point regarding Satanism…I’ll leave you with a quote from the authority on the subject:

Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are ■■■■ and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet and they will learn that I have loved you.

Seems like we can’t talk about one without addressing the other.

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Yes, the Treaty of Versailles was just the consequence of an expensive and devastating war. That’s also the reason why no side ever offered a white peace, even though it would have been quite reasonable already after the first 6 months of the war. The casualties were already way too high, you couldn’t just make a white peace. The consequence would have been a revolution. The Entente and the Central Powers already invested so much money, so many lives, etc. in this war, you had to continue the fight until the other side would be beaten or would surrender.

And it’s often forgotten that every Weimar government already broke the treaty: secret military and economical cooperation with the USSR, they never accepted the border with Poland, etc.
Hitler wasn’t the first one who broke the treaty.

So it was basically “Versailles light” for the most part.
And the instability of the Weimar Republic wasn’t a consequence of the treaty, but just an inherited problem from the start: nobody believed in the Republic. Left, Right, Reactionaries - all of them tried to remove the Republic. When Hindenburg became President most people elected him because he was a remnant of the Wilhelminian era. Basically a surrogate Kaiser.

And, yes, the peace treaty with Soviet Russia was very harsh as well. It would have been even more harsh with the Western powers if Germany would have won, I have no doubt about it. You don’t need ■■■■■■ involvement to explain this: You don’t fight such a war and then treat the enemy kid gloves.