OUT OF SHADOWS Documentary

Says the one who peddles conspiracies on this site on a regular basis. You’ve taken one too many acid trips without the luggage, so much so you have forgotten the threads topic to even know what day it is.

The origin(s) of the Hebrew ”god(s)" is not simple.

Yahweh was most likely a local deity in the Sinai peninsula but there was a lot of syncretism (of various deities) to consolidate and justify a belief system over the centuries.

Out of Shadows

Out of Shadows

The Out Of Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we…

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Again more pushing of old fake accusations that you couldn’t prove as being true, even when asked to do so. You are so lame with your weak unintelligent retorts that I am embarrassed for you with your vain attempts at levity!

It took you a while, didn’t it, to come up with a reasonably intelligent-sounding retort.

No worries. You spelled the philosopher’s name right.

You should stop! You are embarrassing yourself!

How many thread topics have you posted so far on this site that has zero responses so far? Pretty much explains a lot huh? More about self indulgences than engaging in normal conversations here, so you just throw equally dull unwitting responses so you can feel better about yourself!

I liked you better when you are on your meds. At least you can string together some cogent thoughts that has some semblance of coherence to them when you are.

Preformatted texthttps://www.facebook.com/113630856860585/videos/514411089443646/?comment_id=514484842769604&notif_id=1588529346676778&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif

This is a 3 hour video.

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What exactly is this?

BTW, this video you posted in the OP is getting a lot of views. I saw a comment being made about it in another forum in relation to the pedophiles in the UN and why they push this narrative of teaching 4 year olds how to masturbate.

It’s an interview of David Icke by London real host Brian Rose. I was watching it yesterday and YouTube blocked it while it was live-streaming. The deep state doesn’t want the exposure. They do want Sodom and Gomorrah revisited.
You can see it on Facebook, just click on the link. No need to sign in.

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We live in a dual world.
The world we see, and the world we don’t see.

People with real vision can see the invisible behind the facade of noise, entertainment, and falsehood.

You arrived at that conclusion watching YouTube videos all day? Imagine the irony! :thinking: :rofl:

You regurgitate mass media narratives.
That’s all you ever do.
Sorry to say this, Chief.

Actually you are wrong, yet again! You have no idea how I get to the truth of reporting facts and I actually read and vet what I post as well as giving consideration to what others post here such as actually watching the video in this thread then discussing it like normal people are suppose to do in forums like these. As opposed to you who likes to post comments without actually reading, watching or knowing the content that you post here, but instead post comments in hopes that someone will respond. Everything you post is for your own indulgence to support your confirmation bias of obsession over conspiracy theories. You don’t actually have intelligent discussions with people here, only because you actually think you in your world that you have a monopoly on the truth and you want to define it for others. Don’t believe me? Just look at how many people actually bother to comment on your threads? Didn’t you just post another nutter on Kennedy?

It must really suck for you to be sitting in front of a computer screen 24/7 scouring the internet for the next conspiracy theory when the real world is passing you by huh?

Go on a hike to Mt Fuji or something, take some pictures and share them here. That actually might be more useful and constructive. Watch how many here would respond to you if you did that? Just an idea for you to consider.

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That would be too normal and positive

Or even some digeridoos concerts. Srsly Those pesky reptilians are such a drag

There is a youtube fellow in Japan who makes money livestreaming his hamster cage—Where there is a will there is a way.

Stop reading Ben Fulford would help.


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I guess I have to set my expectations low for paranoid schizophrenics. Tomorrow is a new day for comedy gold! :rofl:

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Usually more anger would be evident in a case like that. It’s more a way of dealing with a depression and sense of futility. He has some sense of humor. Some people are compulsively diverting blame from themselves and seek outside causes for failures. That’s curable but can be intractable.

Unfortunately many conspiracies are very real but excessive conspiracy thinking makes it all the more difficult to discuss.

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I have nothing against conspiracies I just choose not to be consumed by them. A few conspiracies where investigating them to find some semblance of truth is useful when backed with hard facts instead of the regular embellishments of truth and lies you find here with the usual suspects. I covered a few such as the Las Vegas massacre, Seth Rich, Hillary Clinton Murders, and mysterious deaths that are still unresolved to name a few.

There is little use to presenting conspiracies as fact, unless actual proofs can be presented. Actual proof can’t just be inferences and loose associations. Those can be interesting things to speculate about, but it’s like “crying wolf” and gets tiresome–and when it comes time to fight the big bad wolf, people are desensitized to hearing about it and are sick of hearing about it.

I agree, but presenting conspiracies as fact is sort of a contradiction, don’t you think? If they can be confirmed as fact then they are no longer conspiracies right?

I see plenty of facts, that are confirmed to me, but if doofuses start raving about them, without proofs, they make them all sound like psycho theories.

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