OUT OF SHADOWS Documentary

At least you could spell Nietzsche right (thanks to Google).

That is a very well stated observation one in which is supported when interjected with the chronological historical perspective and the coming of Jesus. ■■■■ don’t believe in Jesus Nor the New Testament so it goes without saying that the “serving of two Masters” is an age old paradox dating back to the money changers at the temple and their confrontation with Jesus. I think they purposely blurred the those lines for self justification as being the chosen ones, when in truth they have been believing a false narrative and will not be able to escape their sins, even after being warned as such.

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Since the thread was derailed by the Judaism monomania, I might as well post this.


and this

And from 13th century Japan. “The Opening of the Eyes.” by Nichiren


The various chronologies of Sumerian, Egypt and Middle East and Bibical chronologies most focused on by historians, should be informed of the antiquity of India that was ignored by western historians.

There were at least 4 major floods in their histories.

Chronology from the first linked essay above by Prasad Gokhale:

Gokhale Chronology

The dating of Gautama Buddha, in China, Japan and Korea, was traditionally, 1049-979 BC. But in modern times, adapted western historical dating of approximately 550BC.

Gokhale’s essay explains that a misidentification of the Chandragupta King who was known to be a contemporary of Alexander, led to this western historian, (Max Muller) dating errors.




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The Judaic “god” is the dark entity.

What part of it can’t you understand?

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The reason, “most ■■■■■ “Don’t know about it,”. is because it’s not Judaism and it’s not real ■■■■■

God tells Moses

"And the LORD said to Moses, “Go, get down! For your people whom you brought out of the land of Egypt have corrupted themselves. "

Yahweh is not the Creator God.

Yahweh = Enlil = Satan (which is Sumerian for "administrator)

Wrong. You are reading kook blogs which reinforce your kookness.

Don’t know what you’re smoking.

Whatever you say.

Says the one who peddles conspiracies on this site on a regular basis. You’ve taken one too many acid trips without the luggage, so much so you have forgotten the threads topic to even know what day it is.

The origin(s) of the Hebrew ”god(s)" is not simple.

Yahweh was most likely a local deity in the Sinai peninsula but there was a lot of syncretism (of various deities) to consolidate and justify a belief system over the centuries.

Out of Shadows

Out of Shadows

The Out Of Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we…

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Again more pushing of old fake accusations that you couldn’t prove as being true, even when asked to do so. You are so lame with your weak unintelligent retorts that I am embarrassed for you with your vain attempts at levity!

It took you a while, didn’t it, to come up with a reasonably intelligent-sounding retort.

No worries. You spelled the philosopher’s name right.

You should stop! You are embarrassing yourself!

How many thread topics have you posted so far on this site that has zero responses so far? Pretty much explains a lot huh? More about self indulgences than engaging in normal conversations here, so you just throw equally dull unwitting responses so you can feel better about yourself!

I liked you better when you are on your meds. At least you can string together some cogent thoughts that has some semblance of coherence to them when you are.

Preformatted texthttps://www.facebook.com/113630856860585/videos/514411089443646/?comment_id=514484842769604&notif_id=1588529346676778&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif

This is a 3 hour video.

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What exactly is this?

BTW, this video you posted in the OP is getting a lot of views. I saw a comment being made about it in another forum in relation to the pedophiles in the UN and why they push this narrative of teaching 4 year olds how to masturbate.