OMG what a repudiation of Trump

Burns me up that McRaven is such a jerky guy.

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“McRaven does not argue that President Trump has done anything wrong in particular, but that he has no respect for America’s values.”

They just HATE the guy. It’s all just blind incoherent rage.

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As so many of you just hated Obama, and took every opportunity to express it during his tenure, and that’s ok. America accommodates that.

Did McRaven call for a coup?

Trump wasn’t the first


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The Monroe Doctrine is the way of survival for the US.
(Not that Latin America is its turf)

Otherwise the US is going the way the Roman Empire went.

(Or Babylon)

It must mean that if they are complaining this much then the president is doing his job! These cretin slobs sold their souls to China and now that they are losing their shirts in the investments they made selling out their own country, they repeat the NPC meme “Orange man is bad”! Trump is the wrecking ball they are so desperate to stop and so when the dust finally settles let the feral dogs tear them apart to pieces till there is nothing left!

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“Subjective” there is that term again!

The go to for Monte Crusty the clown!


You want to believe the two situations are alike?
Try this.

Has any President been as staggering a failure as Obama?

As Peter Wehner suggests, let’s use OBAMA’S OWN METRICS:

Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure

PETER WEHNER / APR. 24, 2014

"It’s not simply that Mr. Obama has fallen short of what he promised; it’s that he has been, in so many respects, a failure. Choose your metrics. Better yet, choose Mr. Obama’s metrics:

Job creation.

Economic growth.

Improving our health-care system.

Reducing the debt.

Reducing poverty.

Reducing income inequality.

Slowing the rise of the oceans.

Healing the planet.

Repairing the world.

The Russian “reset.”

Peace in the Middle East.

Red lines in Syria.

Renewed focus on Afghanistan.

A new beginning with the Arab world.

Better relations with our allies.

Depolarizing our politics.

Putting an end to the type of politics that “breeds division and conflict and cynicism.”

Working with the other party.


No lobbyists working in his administration.

His commitment to seek public financing in the general election.0

The list goes on and on."

Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure


[What did Obama do that was polarizing?]

[Mark Ballenger]

Weaponizing the IRS to deny tax exempt status to your political opponents? That’s divisive. Using the Justice Dept to spy on a rival political campaign? Divisive. Selling guns to Mexican drug cartels in order to undermine 2nd Amendment rights? Divisive. Sending $150 billion to the largest state sponsor of terror in return for more chants of Death to America, the humiliation of US sailors and ied’s killing GI’s in Iraq? Divisive. Passing Obamacare by denying it’s a tax, then arguing before the Supreme Ct that it’s Constitutional BECAUSE it’s a tax? A little bit fkng divisive. Like your doctor? Keep your doctor. I’m not an emperor. Wait, I guess I am so here’s my pen and my phone. I could go on (and on) about the one man $hit show / amateur hour that was in my view the single most corrupt, corrosive administration in modern US history, but you get the point. That’s what happens when you put someone who loves to hear himself talk and has literally never run anything, in charge of your nation state boys and girls.

Well now that depends on who you ask and about what in particular, doesn’t it?

Peter Wehner’s opinion is that Obama was a failure.

You realize I could post the opinions of a dozen folks that think that Trump is a failure. It’s subjective isn’t it. It all depends on what you, as an American want…:man_shrugging:


He understands that leadership depends on having the support of the people being led.

I would have it publicly shown that his comments were a career ending case of really bad judgment.

Truman and Mac Arthur.

Did McRaven call for a coup???:man_shrugging:


Your first impulse may be to dismiss this.
But you will be amazed at the audacity.

Obama’s Birth Certificate was ONLY possible by using a photocopier which hadn’t been invented until years after he was born.

Obama’s Birth Certificate Determined to be a Forgery.

No doubts about it.

If you refuse to watch new information about a certain topic, how can you ever become well informed?
The President made that pronouncement in September of 2016.

This press conference revealing the forensic test results announcing the Obama Birth Certificate Forgery wasn’t held until December of 2016.

Please tell us your opinion of the information I posted, which supercedes your outdated statement by DJT.

Let’s not mention it was Obozo who ushered in the era of Sanctuary cities! John Pedo Podesta was the man who created the policy!

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On September 16, 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump acknowledged for the first time that President Obama was born in the United States, ending his long history of stoking unfounded doubts about the nation’s first African-American president.

It was a campaign strategy move for public consumption! Only idiots like you bought it hook line and sinker! Got any more brilliant come backs and factoids?

You think it was wrong for him to call out the president?

And that really is a no brainer. We didn’t need Kissinger to speak the obvious.