OMG what a repudiation of Trump

Sometimes there’s no better way to present the truth than thru humor.

And here, expressed in a much more solemn manner.

Real tough guy - talking shit and running his mouth when the President wasn’t even there to respond.

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The red hat talks more shit with his diarrhea mouth at his rallies than anybody else. And nobody’s there to defend themselves. You guys hate it when it gets thrown back at him.

The red hatter is but a pimple on the Generals ass.

Doesn’t change the fact that Mattis only has a big set of balls when the guy he is talking shit about is nowhere in sight. I think we should call him: Mad Cuck Mattis.

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Mattis pointed out that the only person in the military that Trump respects is colonel Sanders.



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Mattis could destroy Trump with one hand…:rofl:

The only thing Mattis respects is another man penetrating his rear area.

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Lol, I love seeing the red hatters triggered when trump’s britches are brought to his knees…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

It has nothing to do with being triggered. It just goes to show that Mattis isn’t who we thought he was. He now looks like nothing more than a weak coward and a feeble old man who talks smack about his old boss for attention. Sad.

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Both McRaven and Mattis rip the bone spur in chief within 24 hours, and the “patriotic” pro military crowd is eating their own. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You got burned earlier, because you hate to be proven wrong, so the asshat that you are is venting like a stupid little child by posting this crap! Another shit post by Monte the Clown!


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That’s where you’re wrong. The “military crowd” sees this for what it is, retired senior officers using their former rank to get paid for partisan political purposes. These men disgrace themselves and bring nothing but discredit to themselves and their careers.


It’s pretty hard to imagine Mattis wanting ‘turncoat’ added to his resume, but there it is.

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Mattis - not impressed with him since he left. Seems this guy was comfortable being in charge but resented anyone who questioned him in the end. Sad to see him fanning the flames without blaming the disgusting traitorous treasonous media and leftists for causing all the problems we see today.


The fall of “Saint Mattis” proves that even the mightiest and most righteous amongst us can be bought for a price. Eternal vigilance is the price of true Liberty.

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So it’s Trump pushing the division and tribalism in America and the media and the cult of progressivism has nothing to do with it? Is Mattis a partisan hack, a blind fool, or both?

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I do recall this article at the time Mattis went to the private sector as had others done cashing in on their experience to sell out!

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The bone spur in chief is the shamed one…

You guys just can’t stand it. Trump either pics nothing but losers to work for him, or he’s a looser that nobody wants to work for…:rofl::rofl::rofl:

You saying that repeatedly makes you an even bigger loser! So you do well for your asshat clown show here! Nice job!