Best description of Trump all week…
It’s the Monty Clown Show!
Rotflmao…damn the red hatters are TRIGGERED today…
It’s how he rolls! Bringing the level of discourse of debate to a lower level! It’s what loser Liberals do! Monte is regarded as the vile in house clown here!
Colonel Sanders is Trump’s hero…snicker
I’m sorry, but I’m really not following you here. I don’t want to be rude but…are you intoxicated?
I like KFC too…and Popeye’s…and Chick-Fil-A.
Making fun of someone because of what they like to eat is just plain childish.
You are trying so hard dude and it is pathetic. You post some links to a bunch of elites talking to each other. Yet you never seem to understand that this is what the elites are up against…
I don’t think he was as much making fun of his poor diet as he was his lack of respect for the military…
Oh to the contrary, all I had to do is post the comments by two military “heroes” and set back. I’ve never seen the red hatters so triggered…
“I earned my spurs fighting in unjust wars… Trump earned his creating value in the free market”
…is what he should have said.
Oh ok, suddenly the US wars have been unjust if framing them so can be used to discredit the general and defend the red hatter in your mind. The US is currently at war in seven countries, several of which have no UNSCR or congressional authorization… think about that for a minute.
You tell me. You’re the one constantly crying about unjust wars in the Middle East.
Right, I’ve told you so often that you know my position quite well. So you know. Now, tell Trump so he can bring the troops home from all those places.
What does that have anything to do with what Mattis said and the fact that you are praising someone who got their experience fighting unjust wars?
Just lay it all out on the table. You are an entrenched partisan hack hellbent on seeing the destruction of the United States of America.
You brought it up brother. Why did your fake president hire Mattis for the important post if he’s as horrible as you and he claim, hmmm?
You started the thread, OP.
Nope, just an American that despises Trump, much like you despised Obama, and determined to see him out.