Omg no one showed up for Biden’s inauguration! Lol

Stealing a truck of 300 thousand ballots is normal !? lol wtf

I think they made it off limits to avoid the embarrassment of nobody turning up, they had to get round that issue somehow and a big fence was the answer. They knew they had no chance of generating a supportive crowd like Trump could, so again they made fake shit up to avoid the problem of care home Joe looking like a drunken old busker with nobody stopping by to listen to him.

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America is back… just like that…lol. I still don’t have my job back. I’m out of unemployment. I work for $12.00 an hour under the table. My savings are close to gone. Yea… America is back. :rofl:

The Tumult is over… No, it’s just getting started. :wink:

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Btw, Biden wasn’t president until the moment he was sworn in yesterday, The closure of the mall, the 25,000 NG troops, the fences around the capital building, the perimeters pushed back blocks, all executed by the Trump administration…:man_shrugging:

Because Democrats requested it dee da deee

No one showed up because the whole farce was pre-recorded.


I’m surprised no one put cardboard cutouts around the inaugural site like the NFL had in the stadiums with canned crowd noise

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What’s funny is that Joe’s in the White House and Don’s…well, NOT…:rofl:

With a trailer of 300,000 thousand ballots missing lol

A farce it was! Pretty pathetic if you want to know the truth.

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Yeah because he had to cheat to get there. Can’t wait until they are roasting mashmellows over your ashes!

70% voter turnout my ass. What a piece of shit. What a pile of shit the left has become. Thieving fucks.

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This was great!

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More people showed up to watch Trump go home than showed up to watch a new incoming President. :rofl:


You guys ALWAYS leave out all the republicans across America that certified Biden’s win. All the conservative judges including Trump appointments that wrote scathing briefs as they tossed his lawsuits, a conservative Supreme Court that refused to hear anything and trumps own administration that certified the election. Blame the left all you want…?

That would make sense, so happy were Americans to see his fat nasty ass go…

I really wish morons would stop using the “fire in a crowded theater” example. Of COURSE you can say fire in a crowded theater. You cannot start a riot. One is free speech, the other is an act of violence.

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Rick Barron is a Republican ?
Are you saying Detroit Michigan’s board of electors is a Republican are you saying Philadelphia and Pittsburgh’s board of electors is a Republican are you saying Fulton county board of directors is a Republican are you saying Maricopa county board of electors is a Republican? Asking for a friend

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This is an interesting development