Official Super Tuesday 2020 Thread

I saw the video clip of that and it was absolutely disgusting. You can tell that the people watching in the background were repulsed. It’s similar to what happened when Biden started sucking on his wife’s fingers while she was giving a speech. This guy is completely off his rocker and I believe that dementia has completely set in. during his speech last night he couldn’t even tell the difference between his wife and his sister which is really weird.

What do you mean the fix is in Fatty? What fix?

Have you not seen the discrepancies in the polling data? Biden was completely on the ropes a few days ago and now he has come in to sweep state after state. It’s so blatantly obvious that people are saying that this is never been done before in the history of US elections.

Look at all the pictures of Trump inappropriately touching his daughter. That doesn’t seem to bother you.

Yes, he did poorly in the caucus states and is now winning. Do you have evidence of wrong doing?

Of course there is no evidence of wrongdoing at this stage. Things certainly look suspicious. If Iowa is any indication then I think people should look closely at how these ballots were cast and counted.

I’m sure that you would want the right candidates receiving their votes correctly.

Fair enough, let me know when there is…

As I said, there is no hard and tangible evidence at this stage. That doesn’t mean something strange isn’t going on because the numbers suggest otherwise.

It’s funny, when Trump beat Hillary fair and square we heard countless times about the impact of Russian collusion in the election. We are still hearing about it. Even though Obama came out and said that any sort of Russian interference did not impact the result of the election that didn’t stop Democrats from losing their minds over it.

Now we have some clear signs that something is certainly wrong with how things panned out last night. Of course, since it’s an establishment Democrat that is after the nomination of the establishment…everything is totally fine and above board. Could Democrats be any more hypocritical?

No, the numbers suggest that democrats are coalescing. Something republicans failed to do during their 2016 primary which left them with Trump.

Like Trump, Sanders has a ceiling, about 35%. If too many democrats stay in, he wins the nomination. That’s concerning to down ballot candidates and fears of loosing the house.

A problem for the Dems is that if Biden gets through the States he is winning in the South on Super Tuesday he won’t be winning against Trump in November.

Very hollow victories indeed.

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Or, they suggest that what happened in Iowa is happening on a larger scale thanks to the absolute corruption of the DNC.

In my mind, the Iowa debacle completely eliminated any credibility that the Democrats have to conduct their own primaries in an impartial way.

There were countless videos of coin flips that were rigged by the person flipping the coin.

Prove wrong doing…:man_shrugging:

Yes - but only after you can prove that Russian collusion existed and impacted the outcome of the 2016 election. :man_shrugging:

Please stay focused. This thread is about Super Tuesday…

They will be arrested, held until after the convention, and just like every other time, the charges against them quietly dropped.

We can’t forget about the ultimate underdog in this race. Only a guy like Bloomberg could carry American Samoa. It doesn’t matter that American Samoa doesn’t get any electoral college votes…all that matters are the delegates and they will be handed over to the King of American Samoa.

Hell Corn Pop wouldn’t vote for slow Joe . :rofl: :rofl:

She’s actually trying to prevent her getting groped by grandpa. Look at his face, he’s ready.

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