Wow. The clown car revival hour.
I’m conflicted.
I want Trump to win the general election, and Biden would be an easier opponent to handle than Bernie. But Biden is also significantly more evil than Bernie, so part of me wants to avoid even the slightest possibility of the Democratic establishment taking over the country.
Back in 2008, John McCain went through a similar miraculous transformation. He was like three days away from suspending his campaign and then suddenly, out of nowhere, he became the front runner.
It’s safe to say that the primary system is pretty well rigged.
Not really, the super delegates rig the convention for the dem’s but if anything Super Tuesday just stands as a point at which the also ran’s of both parties generally throw in the towel because if you don’t come out of it with serious momentum, delegates, and money you are pretty well screwed.
Bernie Sanders is getting clobbered by Joe Biden. I’m not even sure how this is such a crazy landslide when Biden was having trouble with words just the other day and has been performing terribly.
Tomorrow expect all of the party organs to demand Sanders drop out of the race, for the good of the party.
Democrats would vote for J. Fred Muggs to get Trump out of office.
They want Biden to win so the investigations into their own criminality will cease.
Voter fraud this year will be on a scale we’ve never seen. Leftisy are at this moment reserving every bus across the country to drive into non-white neighborhoods. They’ll probably throw in a gift package this year.
DNC knows Joe is not making it past his first year and are using him to trojan horse the VP pick. Which will definitely be Hilary…or that big gap-toothed mammy from Georgia.
Hillary’s ego is too big to be VP, and I would imagine Harris and Michael are in play too!
Of course not to mention Bidens own corruption in Ukraine!
Imagine so many people voting against their own self interests again and again.
Looks like Bernie saved his own ass in California. If Biden stays under 15%, it should really even things out.
Will the Bernie Bros actually riot? Everybody says it’s gonna be 1968 all over again if they steal it from Bernie, but I dunno, I think the Bernie Bros are mostly talk
I also think the Ruling Class knows the Antifa networks and allows them to riot against us but will crush them if they try to riot against Biden and the DNC
…and by crush I mean they’ll arrest them before the convention
And what eats away at Trump is Bloomberg could throw away a billion dollars on a run for President and he would still be infinitely richer than Trump.
And yet Donald Trump is still his president…and yours too.
20 times is hardly infinite.
Not really, Joe is pretty well doing as expected. The only shocker I see is Mass, where he won with Sanders second and Pocahontas an embarrassing 3rd place in her home state.