Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

If you don’t know why, you might at least condemn him for having done so.

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Didn’t the doctor learn the difference between poison and medicine?

But, the sheep will still line up get vaccinated.


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Wherever you found that vid, it has been taken down. Perhaps they could re-post it on brandnewtube or bitchute …

It’s in here

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Poor Lady, this is the result of Pfizer vaccine.!

Please share.

Two women developed chorea as a direct effect of class CV V.A.X

One from P.fizer and the one from ModeRNA V.A.X

They both need your prayers

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The guy who invented “Linguistics Genomics” Dr David Martin, which can determine the intent of communication rather than the literal artefact of communication to which his application was responsible for bringing down one of the biggest tax frauds in US history. During his inquiries he was able to discover that 1/3 of patents filed were functional forgeries. In 1999 patents on corona virus started showing up in his research inquiries. In 2003 the virus outbreak in Asia was something they saw as an opportunity that they could manipulate. Thus SARS was patented CDC sought control of the propriety rights of the disease (US Patent 7220852, 7776521) Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric were at the CDC at the time and from 2013 to 2018 were 100% in control of all financial aspects surrounding C-19 virus and its research. In 2003 the CDC filed a patent (US7776521B1) on the Coronavirus transmission to humans.

Under US code sec 101

“Nature held: A naturally occurring DNA segment is a product of nature not a patent eligible merely because it has been isolated”

“Either SARS, Coronavirus was manufactured therefore making a patent on it legal, or it was natural therefore making a patent on it illegal.
If it was manufactured then it was a violation under the Biological and chemical weapons treaties and international law. If it was natural then filing a patent on it was illegal. Either outcome both are illegal.

In the spring of 2007 the CDC filed a petition with the patent office to keep their application confidential and private. They also prevented independent inquiries from further peer review.

The motive? Pathogen straight to profits.

From 2013 to 2014, Federal funding for research told the CDC to stop their research due to concerns of lack of oversight and ability to make available data for inquiry review. This is when they decided to off shore their research!

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Peruvian court accuses Gates, Soros and Rockefeller of having created Covid 19.

I don’t know how accurate this article is. But it was pointed out by researchers in India and Prof. Luc Montagnier that the virus had the DNA sequence of AIDS inserted.

That is quite possible, if you look at it from a profit motive, then accepting the Vaccine race in terms of wanting to profit from human misery perpetuated by the sociopaths of the elite is a very plausible explanation. Upon further thought on this, its quite possible to see competing interests between a few factions within the elite globalists. You have Gates, Soros and Rockefeller as one group, Fauci Baric and CCP party members as one group, and then another group to which comes out of Europe representing their interests. Perhaps they are all competing for dominant market share of the most effective Vaccine against the Corona Virus. The first to convince the world that they have the one and only vaccine is the one that stands to profit handsomely from it while also forcing the populace into virtual slavery and compliance. Two birds with one stone sort of speak. Perfect example of pure evil taking place before our very eyes.

I think one of the things you said which was truthful, is Science is a religion unto itself, the very thing that replaces “God” in all things is the very essence of which will destroy humanity altogether.

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[quote=“Dr_Manhattan, post:5703, topic:7042”]
I think one of the things you said which was truthful, is Science is a religion unto itself, the very thing that replaces “God” in all things is the very essence of which will destroy humanity altogether.

It sure does seem that way.

The people that put science over God never seem to understand that God is why we have the scientific discoveries that enhance our lives.

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That in a way is kind of a irony as well. To those who made science a religion have ultimately failed humanity in our current discourse to deal with this latest crisis and thus what is left? God? There used to be a time where the two peacefully coexisted in schools of thought but now one seeks to marginalised the other with secularism and profit motives, and when that happens they doom humanity with false narratives and distractions for perverse need to have power and control. They (scientists and elites) think they are God now.

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This is rather a distressing development and a possible violation of an individuals civil liberties.

Currently, the Commons Project’s system, which was created in partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation

How can they develop a vaccine against something they haven’t proved even exists

Down yet another level, we discover that the PCR doesn’t detect a virus at all. It identifies a piece of RNA presumed to come from a virus.

And finally, the test identifies a piece of RNA from a virus that hasn’t been proven to exist.

What any sane person thinks


Can you supply a link for this? I’d like to send it to someone, if it’s alright.
