Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

I’m sure it’s not the same to “self-isolate” in a palace with large gardens where you can always walk around in the sun than to be stuck in a small apartment with no yard or garden.

And if you’re married, there’s always the same conversation partner (with or without screaming neurotic kids).

And people wonder why shithole NYC was a super-spreader…

Actual Cuomo quote: “We have never disinfected a bus before. We have never disinfected a train before. We have never contemplated disinfecting the public transportation system before. Now we have to do it.”

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Spraying chemicals on public places probably won’t help much.

The team of Dr Streeck checked the homes of heavily infected persons, by taking samples from doorknobs and other surfaces the patients had newly touched. They found nothing contagious.

We still don’t know how contagion occurs. Wearing masks doesn’t help. Lockdowns don’t help.

Contagion occurs if you dance with an infected person in a closed space like discos with little ventilation.


Human immune system is the cure.
Don’t mess with it with vaccines and other drugs.



Lyme was downwind from the island where a military bio lab was located.
It’s also hushed up.

Wearing a mask is more harmful than good.

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So, while face masks might help those already carrying the virus from passing it to others, can they also protect the uninfected from breathing it in?

Certainly the ability of specialised, disposable masks like the N95 respirator and the equivalent FFP-2 respirator mask in Europe to filter out particles from the air is high. They are designed to passively filter out 95% and 94% of airborne particles respectively – down to the size of 0.3 micrometres across – as the wearer breathes.

Their performance with blocking viruses from entering, however, is more mixed. Some viruses can be as small as 0.01 micrometres, while researchers have reported the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 is 0.07-0.09 micrometres in size. Respiratory viruses, however, tend to be suspended in aerosol droplets, which can range in size from 0.1-900 micrometres, so blocking these is often more important.

Some older studies have suggested that smaller viruses than might be expected can slip through the N95 filter, but they have been found to be effective at blocking the influenza virus.

And there is some research to suggest these respirator masks are effective when it comes to protecting people against Covid-19. One analysis of health workers in China showed that those who wore N95 respirators did not become infected with the virus, despite caring for highly-contagious patients. This is one of the reasons why these masks have been deemed so important for frontline healthcare workers.

The concern is that, if the general public buy up all of the already short supplies of these masks, it will leave these crucial workers, who are the most likely to be exposed, unprotected and vulnerable. The World Health Organization has urged the general public not to wear these masks in order to secure supplies for health workers, and this has also been the rationale behind the reluctance of many governments to encourage the public to wear masks.

I was happy to see that people here in HK are waking up to this fact as well. Everyday, more and more people are leaving their masks home! Except when they go out to protest of course!

Even bigger risk if you then go back to her place for a ‘‘nightcap’’

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Watching The Donald’s body-language very closely, and hearing what he said to the press prior to setting out for Arizona yesterday, I am confident that he knows full well what’s going on, and will know what to do about Fauci and Gates - and the sooner he does it, the better for all of us! I shudder to think how different it would be if one of the born to rule ‘career politicians’ were in the hot seat?

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There have been so many eminent epidemiologists - such as Judy Mikovits whom I watched last night (god but she’s smart??) - and surgeons who’ve promulgated that fact I can’t believe anyone is still stupid enough to wear one for longer than 24 hours max without ditching it and using a fresh one. But then as we say - you can’t cure ‘stupid’.

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CV19 IS the cure - it cures everything - no-one dies of anything else now only CV19.

That’s precisely why there’s so much suspicion, scepticism, and (dare I say) conspiracy theorizing that CV is a cover for something else. My constituency MP’s researcher (who answered my questions about ‘testing’ because the MP himselt evidently couldn’t be fucking bothered!) was astonished when I presented the instance that my friend’s sister-in-law’s death certificate recorded ‘Coronavirus’ as cause of death, and not ‘Dementia’, the implication being that it’s happening nationwide.

‘‘You can fool some of the people some of the time, but this is beyond foolery. The people are starting to wake up that they have been played for fools. By mid-May, we would be looking at major protests lining up around the globe, particularly the week of May 18th.’’

Holy shit! I love Bryan Adams now!

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Yeah, ok! That certainly explains why New York, Michigan, and California have the highest numbers of death. When in reality, these Governors are “adding the numbers” to other unrelated deaths (but they claim it happened during the pandemic) so they must be accounted. Lol
People that are dying from Suicide, Heart attacks, obesity and other forms of death. I wouldn’t even doubt, they are also adding people getting shot during robberies or/and gang-related activities during the pandemic.

Yep! “no one dies of anything else now only CV19”. :rofl: