Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

This is the same information we are getting from around the country. Hospitals are empty and unless this lockdown is lifted, we will actually see doctors being laid off because there is nobody there and normal healthcare has been suspended.

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This is not abt CV19 imho.

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If Merkel wasn’t in power, Germany probably would scoff at the coronavirus scare.

Snitching Anne Frank. LOL
It’s a made up story anyway.

Shibuya is one busy section in Tokyo.
I never go there because I always get lost.

The totally liberal Netherlands is lost to the banking cabal.

Its just too co-ordinated - The whole world(EVERY fucking country) just shuts down - and only one(Sweden) bucks the trend - And why?
Bc WHO tells them to - the WHO is run by Big Pharma, go figure!


They shut down out of media induced panic.

WHO is run by a corrupt Sudanese guy with serious ethical problems in his history, not “Big Pharama”.

Seriously man why can’t you guys keep the conspiracy nut nonsense where it belongs.

The rapid spread and long latency period along with 50% of those infected being completely asymptomatic scared the shit out of people largely due to China/Who covering up the severity of their outbreak and rapid person to person spread.

Combine that with as high as a 6-10% mortality rate and the panic was a no brainer.

Once that kind of panic starts the only way to quell it is with lock downs and quarantines.

We blew up the world’s industrial economies over a disease that in the end won’t prove any more lethal than H1N1.

I’ve seen it all now! Just got back from town - en route a female dog person with 2 dogs and? Yep. you guessed it - all wearing surgical masks. And if that isn’t weird enough, we were going in opposite directions and she crossed the road to pass me. :roll_eyes: Now I know how lepers felt before being shipped out to the colonies; they had to wear a sign that read UNCLEAN. lol

I know one thing though - there are gonna be a lot of red faces when this is exposed to have been the biggest hoax since ‘novichok’.


The BBC should be censured for fomenting unnecessary alarm across the nation; especially for children who, having watched the blanket coverage for the last 2 months on the news channel of telephone-numbers of ‘coronavirus deaths’ probably then go to bed wondering if their parents will make it through the night. This shit might have traumatized them for years to come. It’s nothing short of psychological child abuse.


Remind me again, who owns the Media?

And who exactly corrupted him?
Or was he doing it on his own initiative?

Maybe, but only in the over 70’s with multiple co-morbidities.

Exactly - so why do you still think lockdowns are an appropriate response?
Once again you prove that you really are a TotalWankeR

If at any time in the future I’m told I have to be vaccinated by law, I’ll tell them where to stick their hypodermic needle - and it won’t be in my arm.

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It’s the old divide and conquer playbook.

Yet hospitals are empty. I personally drove to one to look near my house and there was nobody there.

the data is now clear, this is not the disaster we feared and prepared for

If true, and I think it is, this is the most optimistic vid I have seen for a long time.

DS is trying to get Trump out - thats what this is all abt
Why are all the CEO’s resigning?
Why are the Rothschilds having a fire sale.
Are we going back to the gold standard.
Fed to be neutered
Is Trump going to blow up the banks.
Hydroxichloriquine will make the experts look like idiots.
WHO is a fraud and Trump knows it
Trump will rebuild economy by the election.
Epsteins mates should be really worried.

Thought you would appreciate this one.

Yes, the hospitals are empty and the nurses are so bored they’re using the vacant wards to dance in then post it on TikTok. Unsurprisingly the BBC didn’t mention that aspect of the ‘emergency’? I mentioned earlier that an investigative reporter in I think Romania tried to get into hospitals because he’d heard they were empty, and the hospital security kept him out by intimidating him.

Out in the open doctors know it’s a fake pandemic.

People who were children in 1950s and 1960s during the media-hype about an imminent nuclear holocaust with the bad, bad Soviet Union —whatever generation they are called— are still suffering from a permanent scar and mental disease.
This tradition is passed on to their grandchildren.
Time to get out of this matrix.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told Fox News anchor Chris Wallace on Sunday that he believes that the economy is going to bounce back quickly over the summer as states start to reopen.

“I think as we begin to reopen the economy in May and June, you’re going to see the economy really bounce back in July, August, September,” Mnuchin said.

It absolutely is!
Cats are employed to stop the mice eating it …

Ignore the reply from the other moron.

In places where the elderly are domiciled due to inability to look after themselves, for whatever reason, they record typically ‘n’ thousand deaths every month and have done for years. What has happened in recent weeks is that number has increased to ‘2n’, almost. Therefore the number of deaths has increased markedly compared to ‘the typical expected amount’.