Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

That picture is soooo contrived; see the anguish behind the mask? And it’s the same with every photo (and there are plenty of them?) of medics, always lined up in orderly fashion, and hazmat-clad faces looking straight to camera? And the patronising plaudits from western leaders, the latest being from Johnson, how ‘The NHS saved my life.’, and that’s not to mention the weekly ‘clap-fests’, would seriously irritate me: it’s what they do ffs, they save lives . . . it goes with the territory?? If I were one of them, all this PC ‘patting me on the head’ would seriously aggrave me. But then like the rest of us, he’s only a puppet of the globalists. Call me a sceptic, but if it’s ever proven to me that he actually was in a hospital, never mind intensive care, then I’ll eat my favourite tie. Additionally, and to repeat my earlier question, why is there zero reportage about his pregnant wife?

I think it will be years - if ever, actually? The thing which struck me
yesterday, when I was out getting the sun, was the absence of aeroplane sounds and vapour trails. I’d guess that at the moment, every airline, and the associated airport infrastructures, are in lockdown too, which obviously means thousands of planes will never be flown again? I honestly can’t get my head around that.

“Faint Possibility”?

What the hell? The outbreak began there more than two months before the first cases were reported outside of China.

That’s just stupid, a virus has no will.

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Post #2935

WTF does a computer geek know about real-world stuff.

Quarantine and Isolation is the first step in cutting of an outbreak for which there is no vaccine.

You know nothing at all about epidemiology.


More derailing with yet another conspiracy theory.

There is a home for such posts isn’t there?

There’s no possibility we shut down the industrialized world for such a duration.

It would be national and economic suicide or any nation to even attempt to do so.

Stop trolling.
You have nothing to offer.

Report me then jackass.

Nobody knows definitively where it comes from; but if I’m on the right track, it could have come from any one of thousands of wet markets. I recall watching an Oz 60 Minutes documentary about that, and the reporter was palpably horrified by all the chopping boards covered in blood and guts of different species, and he said ‘But these (animals/mammals/birds/etc) are never seen in the same regions anywhere on the planet.’

As I’ve said previously, I don’t believe it was ‘manufactured’; what I do believe is that it has been hi-jacked as a convenient ‘frightener’ to instill into the wider public mass fear and panic, and it sure is doing exactly that?? I think I posted on here (I post elsewhere also) that on my recent travels I’ve noticed some serious incidents of needless hostility, together with irrational activity in such places as supermarket queues, and I believe that the lockdown, even at this early stage, is beginning to engender very unpleasant and threatening psychological consequences, and if those signs are any indicator, I fear there will soon be random outbreaks of street violence in the very near future.

WHO and the UN are just like any other bodies of bureaucrats, and have become dysfunctional in their self-perceived wisdom and influence. Bureaucrats are the non-productive parasites of all western societies owing to their indolence and stupidity.

Re your ‘keep an eye on the publishing dates’ comment: Lord Sumption made that recording about 4 weeks ago, and to be quite honest with you, I’m extremely surprised that it’s still in the public domain. Maybe if it had been made by a ‘lesser personality’ it would have disappeared within hours of becoming available to watch.

I’ll watch your Yaknin link tonight; meanwhile this is another one from him, that I watched last night, and is the most thought-provoking of them all so far . . .

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The Chinese government will likely NEVER be honest about what happened to release this deadly virus on the ENTIRE WORLD!’

There have been experiments going on in the Wuhan l experimental laboratories for DECADES!

Viruses have been originating in Wuhan for DECADES!

You may consider it only coincidental, but I consider it evidence that China is to blame for all the deaths attributed to COVID-19.

What can we do to save the global population from more encounters with deadly viruses from China?

  • Shut down the Wuhan labs.

  • Evacuate all humans from the Wuhan labs.

  • Fumigate the Wuhan labs to kill all living cells within them.

  • Demolish the Wuhan labs with fire fueled by accelerants.

  • Fumigate the horseshoe bat caves to kill them all.

  • Make the Chinese government pay restitution to every family that lost one or more loved ones to COVID-19

  • Make the Chinese government pay restitution to all nations the were harmed financially by this outbreak. (That would essentially be every nation on earth.)

  • Imprison the current head of the W.H.O. and abolish the organization.

  • Forbid the Chinese government from experimenting ever again with viruses.

  • Monitor the Chinese government continuously from now until it no longer exists.

Be sure to watch the Tucker Carlson video.

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Medical Clothing just arrived in France and guess what? It sucks! WTF?

We may never know for sure but the best evidence so far suggests they were working with it in the lab after having isolated it in 2016 if not earlier and that then one of the workers caught it working with an infected bat or through a sample.

That worker then unwittingly infected the population of Wuhan and the rest is as they say, history.

This would still pinpoint the origin as careless Chinese experimentation. They had more than one accidental leak.

I couldn’t guess the origin of his accent.
I thought he was a Dutch speaker.
(He was born in Israel.)

He is absolutely right about the sheeple and stupid masses bit. If you tell them the truth, they will attack you.

No argument from me.

What’s even more disturbing is that it would also mean they had the genome for at least four years and they withheld it until the 10th of January which delayed every other country on earth in developing a test for it.

…and the W.H.O. leader appeared to threaten the US in saying we’d need more body bags if we decrease our funding.

Did he ever walk that back? He must have known how it came across as a threat.

Medicare pays the hospitals $13,000 if a patient is diagnosed with covid-19. If they go on a ventilator they pay $39,000. Hospitals are making a killing padding the numbers. Anyone that questions the numbers, according to dr. Fauci, is a conspiracy theorist.


Two threats, stop “politicizing the virus or you’ll need more body bags” as well and no, I haven’t heard him walk either of them back.

We should make any future funding contingent of him being completely removed from all association with the WHO.