Official Coronavirus Political Thread 🌐

He is being used. He is a small player in this.

This guy is just brave enough to say what everyone else is thinking - including white liberals. Anti-gun white liberals were standing in line at guns stores two weeks ago as all the guns in America sold out.

So we’re in the middle of a global Covid-19 pandemic with people dropping like flies. So let’s have a look at the official UK death stats for 2020.

13 weeks stats so far are available tracking deaths through end March.

In 9 of those 13 weeks, the death toll is LOWER for 2020 than the average of the corresponding week in the last 5 years.

Of the other 4 weeks the numbers are hardly frightening

Hard to believe it has come to this, the unclaimed in a mass grave in NY.

We will remember that the CCP released their commie filth China Virus in the attack that killed these poor people. God be with them.

I’m not trying to be cruel, but why not cremate those unclaimed?

Prisoners were responsible for digging these graves prior to COVID-19. This isn’t new…?

That is a very good point. I don’t know why but when viewing that photo I immediately questioned if that whole thing was staged for optics?

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This needs to happen in the worst way. Whether people want to accept it or not, we are at war with China.

Dam! Tucker just nailed it!

He usually does :+1:

What I think will happen is the director general will lose his position and then WHO will hope for everything to blow over.

Its too late. This guy doubled down and made the problem worse with his shear arrogance. Tucker really laid it out for everyone to see where his history came from. He is complicit and has blood on his hand. The UN on a whole needs accountability especially now we can safely say we are at war with China. Anybody who denies this are not seeing the bigger picture.

Oh, I agree. The whole organization is corrupt.

However, you know how things go. A few people are removed, promises are made some actions to show they’re on the right track. Then, people forget and the move back to their corruption. Rinse and repeat.

I hope it is different this time but the cynical side of me isn’t going to hold my breath :wink:

I am inclined to agree with you on this, because we have seen it before and we as a country have become complacent to be willing to accept the status quo. However, for me personally, my perspective has recently changed. My heart says that I want America to be first, but to be honest, we are pretty fractured as a culture by identity politics and we may be in for a rough road ahead. I believe Trump is the firewall that will be the last vestiges of a United America and if this virus continues to weaken our economy and our morale China will see it as an opportunity. I am praying more and sleeping less these days.

I found this video and I thought it was pretty interesting in many ways. Think about this virus and the destruction it is doing, then think about the timeline being presented. Its starting to connect the dots for me currently.

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This is pretty crazy!

Erp… Am I missing something? The guy throwing people off of the bus for not wearing a mask was not wearing a mask? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The guy is probably the driver and he is the boss (he thinks).

You could make some money later by suing him.

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The enforcers of rules don’t have to follow the rules. That why the gun grabbing politicians want to disarm the public as they tool around town with armed bodyguards.

That why the politicians are immune from being sued for lying in congress.

That’s why the ACA didn’t apply to staff members of congressmen.


More than that. Local governments especially ones in blue zones are acting atrociously by violating the constitutional rights of people. This video however is mild in comparison but we should watch it to get a glimpse of what a authoritarian government will look like if we as a nation continue down this road. Furthermore it only takes one idiot to set off a powder keg of civil unrest and this behaviour by local law enforcement won’t be tolerated for much longer if it continues. That is why it is extremely important that we open the economy soon and get people back to work. The last thing we need right now is to be fighting among ourselves.