Official Coronavirus Political Thread šŸŒ

ā€¦and you have your head up yours, RickyTickyTutu

Ooh, coming up with that witless, no-pride I-know-you-are all on your own must have been exhausting. Maybe, you should take a nap now.

Weak, typically liberal reply. Expected of you.

Well, not everybody has your flair for grade-school wit.

Told ya you shouldā€™ve taken a napā€¦

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Thread derailing

Stop trying to derail this thread with your childish nonsense! You got something to add to this thread topic then do so!

I posted on topic. The derailing is the weak-witted gumming of my ankles by you and others in the trump cult.

No itā€™s not on topic your simply trolling! GTFU!

Ah, now I get an illiterate ā€œNuh uhā€ by way of rebuttal. I posted a mockery of trumpā€™s coronavirus response. You have now posted three, off-topic ankle gummings in a row.

As for ā€œSTFU,ā€ I donā€™t take orders from easily suckered trump fluffers.

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Fine! I Let the moderators sort out your childish posts! As itā€™s obvious you have nothing to ad to this thread and you are trolling.

@Patriot @Tyfoon @KVN

Run to mommy, illiterate ankle gummer.

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What makes supporting Trumpā€™s policies a ā€œcultā€?

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Good question. It is the irrational, overly emotional nature of the adoration of their messiah. I outline much of this in my OP in the Deplorable Born Every Minute thread. It is things like believing the MSM is conspiracy of liars, because the most prolific liar in presidential history says so. Like all cults, it is all about Us vs. Them, and trump gives his herd many scapegoats to blame for their own inadequacies. He is especially good at exploiting the grievances of the poorly educated who are overwhelmed by a rapidly changing world, and resent the way liberal ā€œelitistsā€ look down on them. The absurdity is in believing a pampered brat who chose inheritance as a career and continues to favor wealthy cronies is somehow their daddy protector. Again, it is in the irrational, even hysterical nature of their idolatry that tells me trump fluffers are members of a cult.

What exactly do you deem irrational?

I support Trumpā€™s policies. Iā€™m far from being overly emotional.

What you do in another thread has nothing to do with this one.

Many are.

It really is about those who want America and Americans to come first vs. globalism. Iā€™d think this pandemic has at least given you a glimpse into how open borders and globalism isnā€™t quite all that the left would like you to believe it is?

Take a good look at yourself. Where are you going. What are you doing in your life?

You honestly sound like a person who is incredibly jealous.

Perhaps you are a person who was lead to believe getting a degree was the answer?

We all have something of a foundation to work and build upon, donā€™t we? Iā€™ve met plenty of blue collar workers who spent years learning a trade learning, then to go out on their own to build very successful businesses. Or, not.

Iā€™m just not sure where your resentment is coming from.

Can I come and take what youā€™ve earned? Or is this just one sided?

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They say the Anti-Christ will come when there is a single world government that imposes an Authoritarian rule on its people. That is pretty much what is happening. Whether this is a dry run for the real thing in a few years or whether it is the real thing, I donā€™t know.

You could be right. Everything is playing out as Revelations had predicted. China is now become the enemy, and alliances are shifting as we speak to go against the economic aggression of China.

His hard on for Hillary suggests to me that heā€™s just as much a globalist as is she and that he doesnā€™t really care about our economy or the living standards of our people. His personal lifestyle never has to change.

I doubt he would welcome the early arrival of an inexpensive cure and would prefer years of testing to justify high costs associated with research and development of some unique miracle drug that will make Big Pharma even more outrageously profitable to him and his minionsā€¦when several countries have already found existing drugs (cheap) that work.