Official Coronavirus Non-Political Thread: Facts and Updates ⛑

Conspiracy theory?
I don’t think so.

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No, not a conspiracy! More and more doctors are speaking up now about COVID deaths.

Meanwhile in Australia, this is just nuts!


Never before have we witnessed such lies, exaggeration and outright fraud. All with the intent to force everyone to be vaccinated. The question is why?

Let’s start with the vaccine itself. The results in Israel prove what a sham, charade and fraud this all is. The U.S. government and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention argue that the vaccine is our only chance to survive. And that people are hospitalized and dying with COVID-19 because they are unvaccinated.

Both arguments are pure fraud.

First, are you aware that anyone who dies within 14 days of getting vaccinated is considered “unvaccinated”? No wonder they claim everyone who is dying is unvaccinated. If you die from COVID-19, whether you’re vaccinated or unvaccinated, they just call you unvaccinated.

If a businessperson in the private sector tried that scam, they’d spend the next 20 years in prison for fraud.


New Book Gives Explosive Account of How Pfizer, Team Biden, and FDA May Have ‘Colluded’ to ‘Rig Election’ (

New Book Gives Explosive Account of How Pfizer, Team Biden, and FDA May Have ‘Colluded’ to ‘Rig Election’

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This is pretty ironic! Sad but true

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Now the media is trying to spin this story for Pfizer! Holy crap!

It may not be a bad idea because in my humble opinion 8 billion is too many and it will be 10 billion before you know it. 20 billion, 30 billion…

I think depopulation by vaccination is wrong and they are targeting the wrong countries.

All hunting and gathering tribes knew the limit of their population in their given environment (carrying capacity) and practiced whatever is necessary to keep their population level stable.

You won’t be alive by that time so it won’t matter.

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Wrong , it’s ALL about MONEY $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Its both. They are both interconnected!

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17.1% more people are dying of a mysterious cause, and nobody on the news cares. Dr. John Campbell explains:

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If we learned anything throughout the years dems must have total control that’s how they STILL keep blacks under their thumb ! They want to control what you say , what you think , and what goes into your body ! They have the corrupt fbi, cia , social media ( fuckleberg) the evil media pushing their agenda HARD !!! It’s never "my body ,my choice " , HIPPA laws be DAMNED !
Scum dems demand compliance. It’s the modern-day version of “My Way or the Highway!” Even when the choice is possible, they often demand control and move to silence dissent and eliminate options.


That is why the blowback is going to be even more so when the SHTF for the Democrats. What is happening now is not natural and when the time comes there will be many that will have to answer for their actions including Democrats.

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This is pretty fked up and this is not an isolated trend. Remember, there are cases like this in Michigan, Ontario Canada, and other parts of the world with similar circumstances.


Florida OBGYN sounds the alarm… 50% jump in infertility and miscarriage

Bizarre and Scary Side Effects From The Vaccine

This is extremely troubling and concerning to say in the least!

Why are scientists developing a new lethal Covid strain that would kill 80% of people infected ?


When the levee breaks all hell is going to break loose!

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When the levee breaks, have no place to go… :slightly_smiling_face:

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