Official 2020-2021 Presidential Election Thread

An affidavit is the legal equivalent of sworn testimony. Courts and lawyers don’t always like to use them because the person swearing to the affidavit likely isn’t there in the court to be questioned about what’s on the affidavit.

But there are penalties for lying under oath when giving testimony for an affidavit.

But there are no penalties for legislators or Congresswampers who lie in hearings. This last part is what desperately needs to change!

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The rest of the world knows (including China–they helped!) the election was stolen. It would please me greatly if the world leaders refuse to recognize the Biden administration and deny the slimy bastards entry into their countries…and refuse to come to the US.

I’m sure China will welcome the sleazeballs. They’ll get along fine.

The free world should tell them to go to hell.

Nigel Farage: No doubt there was ‘industrial scale’ ballot harvesting in US Election


A powerful message from Scott Adams

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" since 2018, Trump has put in place a cyber warfare battle plan for America , and that plan was initiated on November 3rd with the real-time trapping of treasonous actors as they tried to steal the election.

Importantly, those who committed election theft fell right into the trap by tripping into “national security” traps which moves their prosecution out of civil or criminal courts and into military courts. This point cannot be overstated. This is how Trump achieves a flanking maneuver around corrupt judges in traditional courts."

WTF is Georgia officials so afraid of? What don’t they want the public to find out? If there was no fraud involved then what is the problem? Questions any reasonable person should ask, except if you are a leftist communist Twit who can’t differentiate logic from emotions, and wearing their face diapers over their eyes!

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This was an amazing moment at the Valdosta Georgia MAGA rally! Crowd shouts “Fight for Trump” hastening the senators exit!

President Trump gave Georgia senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue an opportunity to address the crowd at today’s Valdosta MAGA rally. Senator Kelly Loeffler gave some wet noodle soundbites to a tepid audience response. However, when the ever-entitled Senator David Perdue attempted to address the crowd, well, the patriots were just done listening to the elitist duplicity and started chanting: “ Fight For Trump!

Voter Rights Group Notifies DOJ of Pakistani Link With Nevada Election Email System

Me too, but most, including our Bozo Bojo, have already congratulated Blieden.
Interesting that Putin didn’t.

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Neither the Queen of England.
Very interesting.

Shhhhh !!! They will start ranting about Russiagate again !! :grin:



Et tu Vegas?
I thought that’s where rich folks resided.

And time for Flushing New York. LOL

Trump vs The Great Reset and CB’s

Next up Arizona.

After that rally in Valdosta and seeing how despised RINOS like Perdue and Loafer are, I have hope that actual, meaningful reform of our voting system can happen. I wonder if Biden could draw a crowd like that? Ask that question to any leftist dumbass and you know the answer they give is as predictable as pigeons shitting everywhere!