Official 2020-2021 Presidential Election Thread

Well that never happened…:rofl:

And Biden said no such thing. And didn’t need to did he. He defeated Trump in a super landslide…:rofl:

Breaking Breaking!!!

“Biden camp looking for a way out”
Biden speculatively discussing terms of concession with Trump.
Breaking via GNews, the people that broke the news on Hunter’s laptop

Natural News: “By some accounts Joe Biden is preparing to concede the election and is reaching out to Trump to negotiate a pardon for all the crimes committed by himself and his family members. This claim, attributed to a “very reliable source,” was broadcast by Lude Media (, the same group that first spilled the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop and all the outrageous content it contained.”

I’m not saying this is true, but there’s a buzz. Proceed with caution, I’m on this like a bloodhound.

He’s allegedly using China Mitch as a go between.

Sounds too good to be true? Probably! Something is definitely afoot!

Five men died in the raid…
So it was a serious business.

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Make of it what you will…

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Jeez! This is huge Stu
Is he the real deal?

I don’t know, I’ve heard his analysis on things before but it’s the internet and a lot of actors out there. He seems quite level headed but I did think it a bit odd that he referenced the “job in America” twice, as though that makes his claims legit. We will know soon I suppose.

I have been listening to Simon Parkes for years now and I had a skype talk with him for about an hour about a year ago. So I know what he stands for.

He was a politician in northern England somewhere in the past but he is best known as a contactee (He refers himself as an experiencer) and claims to have been in space ships several times. But that’s another story.

Shall we begin counting the days before Bill Barr is fired…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Rumors huh…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

When do you suppose Trump fires Barr??? :wink:

Remember the canary in the coal mine?

Don’t feed the scumbag trolls here.

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The are and have been purposely kept out of the loop! There is a reason for that! Democraps can’t claim that Barr is doing the President’s bidding like they have in the past.

Let the trolls keep taunting for they know nothing only what the MSM feeds them! Just enjoy the show!

‘I’d rather resign than certify those results in Arizona today

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Mike Adams

The calls for President Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act, declare martial law and launch mass arrests of treasonous actors are growing louder, with a 3-star general as well as a non-profit foundation now calling for these actions.

Who cares, that is NOT going to happen, and if it did, HE still ceases to be President about noon on January 20th…:wink:

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I don’t know how things are handled in Japan, but in America when people go to the polls and vote, we call that a constitutional exercise of citizen voter enfranchisement, not an insurrection. And even republicans understand that. So if Trump makes the call, no one will be there to enforce anything…:wink:

But my how the desperation of the ardent Trumper is on full display…:rofl::rofl::rofl: