Official 2020-2021 Presidential Election Thread

More fraud!

Thanks D Says it all really.

Yet the states refuse to address any issue brought to them.

The election demonstrates the flaws in our broken system.


Dayum! Mama’s got some BUTT!


Deniers tend to shoot the messenger rather than examine the message. You’re no exception.

Typical bullshit artist!


All someone has to do to influence an election is:

  • be rich
  • control the narrative
  • fund opposition entities

Zuckerberg meets the criteria.

What we need is for Facebook to lose its protection from litigation by being designated as a publisher. It is certainly not a free speech platform.



I think you mean Trump fits the criteria


It doesn’t stop with Zuckerberg - Brin(Google), Bloomberg, Zuckerberg, Soros, Zucker, Friedman, Saban should all be included.
I think Trump knows who funds the media and, therefore, also knows who his real enemies are.
Funny how all the above have one thing in common, apart from Loadsa money.

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Hey, you do know there is now a cure for your condition, don’t you?

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Unfortunately, many humans will die stupid.

Yep he knows and it has started…
Included in Trump’s Thanksgiving Massacre were the untouchable holy icons of Globalism Madeleine Albright (cough cough) and – (pinch me, am I dreaming?) – Henry Frickin’ Kissinger (cough cough) !

ther big names “whacked” from the entrenched Kosher Commie Policy Board were former House Republican leader Eric Cantor (cough cough) and former Demonrat Rep., AIPAC agent, 50% Newsweek mag owner, and multi-millionairess Jane Harman *(cough cough)

I hope Trump is indeed a fascist

**** Editor’s Note: Mike King’s true definition of “Fascism” is: “a populist resistance to Marxism / Globalism centered around a strong and righteous man.”***

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The Democrat Party has been taken over by extreme leftists and is no longer a supporter of American ideals and the rights of the American citizens. A globalist/communist movement is under way within what used to be the Democrat Party.

Notice I said “Democrat Party” instead of “Democratic Party”. There is nothing democratic about it.

The elected Congress members both in the Senate and the House vote in lockstep with their own Dear Leaders rather than according to the will of the people that elected them.

There is no democratic representation of the American people.

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How about if the government started nationalizing FB, then Twitter and then YouTube?



Fascism is a European resistance to harmful alien ideology such as Marxism and communism.

I’m paraphrasing Eustace Mullins.
You know what fasces are. They symbolize law and order, as opposed to Marxist lawlessness and disorder.
Axe is also a symbol of the Greek civilization.
