đŸ•” OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

Have to wonder if offering Hillary Clinton as the sacrificial lamb knowing she is almost towards th end of her life is something the Deep State is weighing in order to make Durham go away? The noose is def tightening.

More from the Sussman trial.

Totally a miscarriage of justice!

Agreed, but did you really think there was going to be justice?

At first, yes I did especially considering how overwhelming the evidence was. How ever when I began to learn about the many conflicts of interests in the case there were such as the jury and the judge, I am more disappointed that Durham did not insist to correct that and call it out.


There was some things that got accomplished and perhaps this is just the beginning

TURLEY: “I mean, he is facing a jury that has three Clinton donors, an AOC donor, and a woman whose daughter is on the same sports team with Sussmann’s daughter. With the exception of randomly selecting people out of the DNC headquarters, you could not come up with a worse jury”

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Put 2+2 together!

Durham’s mistake was allowing the FBI to be a victim when in fact they were part of the collusion.

Even bigger news.

A new Article on Seth Rich, pretty lays out some interesting motives that seem very plausible.

The current conflict in Ukraine may be the last piece of the puzzle for why the FBI, CIA, NSA and state departments all worked to smear Trump before and after he was elected.

I wondered: why would these people so obviously try to entrap guys like Papadopoulos and Carter Page, do a corrupt FISA warrant to spy on Trump, and unleash the hounds of hell after Trump won? Part of it is understandable partisanship and derangement on Trump winning, but why would they do this stuff before the election when they were sure that they’d mop the floor with Trump? I guessed that maybe the Russians tried to blackmail Hillary after they got her private server and its contents and caused a reckless backlash by our spooks.

Now I have another theory: In 2014, there was an uprising in Ukraine in which Putin’s puppet was sent off to exile and the new regime was friendly to the west. Probably our CIA and other agencies gave this uprising alot of help, if not engineering it totally. I believe that Putin was so furious at Hillary in particular over this that he made it known he would get revenge. When Hillary’s private server was hacked, our spooks feared that he might be able to exact his revenge on Hillary. Ukraine was the only win that those people had after many years of embarrassments, and they weren’t (and aren’t) going to let that win be taken away by the likes of Putin.

It is likely that Hillary and all of the people in the national security deep state thought that the only way Hillary could lose is if the Russians released her deleted emails. It would likely have been very embarrassing, probably even exposing crimes. They needed a villain in the Trump team who could be blamed for this. They needed a scapegoat in case these emails came out. Hence their attempts to find someone on Trump’s team who could be connected to it, like Carter Page and George Papadopoulos, and even the lame meeting with Don Jr claiming to have dirt on Hillary. They failed, and the emails weren’t released, and Hillary lost anyway. They then had to furiously try to cover it up before Trump took office and could expose their crimes.

Ukraine would explain why Putin would care who won between Hillary and Trump, and why our spooks would be so reckless in taking sides with Hillary. They didn’t want their one success to be discarded by an uncaring Trump, nor did they want to let Putin exact revenge for their meddling.

The lack of prosecutions for all of this is a sign that our country is done. The deep state has won.

Can’t discount the COVID-19 bio-engineered virus and its perfect timed release. Gain of function research and its planning was well into the development long Trump became president.

Ukraine was the base of operations for intelligence operatives such as the CIA and other entities to which Trump was in the process of shutting down.

Also the one thing that IMO was the linchpin in the Ukraine plot is all the corruption and money laundering that has taken place throughout the years, especially when you consider, Biden, Romney, Pelosi, all have relatives working on boards in the oil and gas companies in that country. Then also take in account Lyndsey Graham, Mark Warren, Richard Bur, Rob Portman, Cornyn, Thune, McConnell have enrich themselves through such channels.

IMHO, I think Russia’s redline was NATO expansion, as well as the knowledge that the US was developing bio-weapons in the country to target their population, seeing that 1. they are one of the few countries that is predominantly white 2. That is against gays 3. does not have a International Banking system such as a Rothschild bank 4. Does not rely on the petrol dollar to sell its gas products to all of Europe 5. Is aligned with China in the next phase which is completely getting off the swift system in ordr to conduct monetary transactions.

The fact that the US dollar is fast approaching of no longer being the World’s reserve currency is another aspect that usually involves the US military industrial complex for starting wars and Ukraine is quietly shaping up to that front in many ways, however that remains to be seen how this shakes out much like Crimea did in 2014, this may also go quietly into the night and forgotten about.

Lastly when looking at this entire narrative of “Obamagate” and the following corruption we are seeing at unprecedented rates, when looking through the lens of the World Economic Forum a lot of the dots start to connect in startling fashion.

Lastly, conceding that the “Deep State” has won is not there yet, but close.

Judge orders FBI to turn over Seth Rich files

Meanwhile, the Duram trial of Igor Danchenko the FBI insider who was charged with lying to FBI is rather a curious case and much is not being covered about this case. However many suspect that he will fall on the sword to give the illusion he is not a FBI insider.

More detailed analysis from Techofrog here:

Follow up on the Danchenko and the FBI trial as Kim Strassel reports and explains the details about the Steel Dossier.

The essential goal, keep hammering away at the FBI and discrediting them.

More proof is coming out of the Danchenko trial that Mueller lied

At this point, we should have expected this with a corrupt FBI and DOJ. Justice has taken a beating when the guilty get to walk!


A federal jury has acquitted Russian policy researcher Igor Danchenko on false-statement charges brought by Special Counsel John Durham. The not guilty verdicts, delivered after a weeklong trial in Alexandria, Va.

Danchenko was indicted last year on charges that he repeatedly lied to FBI agents as they sought to track down information that appeared in the Steele dossier, a compendium of false allegations former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele assembled about links between Trump and Russia.

Danchenko denied lying to the FBI, but declined to take the stand in his own defense and called no witnesses during the trial. His attorneys suggested to the jury that he was the victim of a politically-inspired prosecution.

Danchenko showed little emotion as the successive not guilty verdicts were read aloud by a court clerk shortly after 4 p.m. Tuesday. At least one member of the jury looked directly at him as the verdicts came down.

Danchenko glanced briefly at his wife, who began crying as the verdicts were delivered.

“While we are disappointed in the outcome, we respect the jury’s decision and thank them for their service,” Durham said after the verdict. “I also want to recognize and thank the investigators and the prosecution team for their dedicated efforts in seeking truth and justice in this case.”
