🕵 OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

I understand, but I was looking for its correlation to “Obamagate” to which I needed to share my perspective as it related to the narrative you were putting fourth. For the most I agree with what you are trying to communicate here, but what I articulated in my response is an extremely important detail that needs to be shared and understood. MSM is an benign enemy that has for the most part gone rogue to serve a purpose to damage our country by creating division along lines of false manufactured racial disparities with the narratives it propagandizes on a daily basis.

At one time the MSM reported the news, today they chose what to report and tell you what to think about the news.

I clearly remember when Cronkite declared the war in Vietnam lost when the reality was the Tet offensive broke the back of the NV and Vietcong. My first memory of a biased media and he lies they tell.
At one time CNN was the go to for news, today they are nothing but a tool of the deep state and the demorcrat party.

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Believe me I know exactly your sentiments and perspective to which you express. Sigh! Media is a very powerful tool and its why the Chinese who perfected propaganda places so much emphasis on its uses in order to pacify their masses to feel secure. In the US, its now having the opposite effect and its only going to get worse as more and more commoners no longer trust legacy media as latest ratings reflect as much. Its also a major reason why Big Tech is now coming under more scrutiny due to serving as the last bastion of freedom where Government entities seeks ways to control it.

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The screws are tightening for Glen Simpson and Fusion GPS.

This is getting weirder and only shows that the swamp is trying to cover their bases.

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What needs to happen!


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Well ain’t this peachy?

A new court filing by special counsel John Durham reveals that Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael Horowitz concealed crucial information from Durham in connection with the ongoing prosecution of Michael Sussmann, a former attorney to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

The filing also reveals that Horowitz failed to disclose that his office is in possession of two cellphones used by former FBI general counsel James Baker. The phones may contain information that’s important to the Sussmann case, as well as to a separate criminal leak investigation of Baker that Durham personally conducted between 2017 and 2019.



Interesting comments

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This is a huge bombshell by the latest Durham filing!

In a court filing late yesterday [Read Filing Here] special counsel John Durham dropped an explosive point into the public psyche. Durham confirms that an outside government contractor, controlled by Hillary Clinton aligned “tech executive-1” Rodney Joffe, had access to conduct electronic surveillance and spying operations into the Executive Office of The President of the United States (EOP).

If you want to dig into the details of this filing, I would recommend a review of TechnoFog’s outline HERE.

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More is coming


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Classic Theater

Breaking News and perhaps bombshell with a smoking gun in the Michael Sussman case.

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That’s a pipe dream… but a dream none the less.

Maybe so, but its like that saying “that with man it seems impossible” right?

Nice dream to have!

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This another piece that chips away, and away, and away at the swamp’s wall of obfuscation. Garland can’t play 4D chess.

This is pretty significant development! Not looking good for some on the outside looking in.

He says he is relaying this for client. Busted!

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