🕵 OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

Yes Sir! You are absolutely correct! I posted an article of the exact inner motives of the elitists club and their sinister intentions to undermine the BREXIT vote. Same can be said of USMC aka NAFTA.

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What, you mean he’ll lie even more? Shocking!

Ha ha ha! Yeah! He is working at CNN now, and that should tell you all you need to know. I do believe he is going to be indicted soon as the DOJ just rejected his attorney’s request, and usually that is not a good sign. IMO I think McCabe is going to be made the sacrificial lamb to appease the public’s thirst for a public square hanging (metaphorically speaking of course!) Or maybe not. Who knows, but I am imagining how these people are thinking about their strategies and who should be made to fry! Maybe go for the trifecta such as Comey, and Brennen as well? Would love a Clinton Indictment, but I having doubts about that one. Who knows, life is full of surprises, one day is no hope, the next day you wake up to learn that a major figure has been indicted and arrested. It happened with Roger Stone. I am just saying!

It’s going to be funny to see how many CNN talking head’s get indicted before this is all done.

That is icing on the cake, and I will be buying the gourmet popcorn kind when that happens!

What will be funny is watching CNN and MSNBC trying to explain it and their poor hiring decisions.

I am wondering when Lemon gets the can! He is the worst ever, second is Acosta who Trump despises.

He’ll get promoted. It’s an election year.

Well this is interesting! It looks like McCabe is the first to be indicted. If Jack Posobiec is reporting this then there must be traction going on to this story!


Horowitz up next! Now that a draft has been submitted on the FISA Abuse probe I have to wonder what is the current atmosphere like in the halls of where Bar walks? I suspect not many will be gossiping near the water cooler on Monday morning. Will this be a game changer? I don’t know, as I suspect that the Flynn case needs to be bookend with this report if it proves malfeasance and sedition did occur, which I have no doubt it did, but having the smoking gun beyond a reasonable doubt is the bigger question that will lead many to speculate until the final report is made public.

Epic failure on McCabe’s part and is pretty funny to read!

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Monumental face plant from the fifty floor balcony. No points for style though.

That is what I said as well! Like the author states, you can’t make this stuff up!

Wow! Did not see this coming! The third aspect of this issue raises some serious concerns about AG William Barr!

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Great Read! Sure does raise more questions and again the deep state operating with impunity. People seriously need to start getting indicted soon. It seems this shit never ends and no one is being held accountable! The future of our country depends on it!

Ok! Things are heating up, and it means that Barr is getting close to the target, because now to discredit the AG only serves to embolden him even more. Something is coming soon!