đŸ•” OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

This is pretty well damning for Comey! Looks like he is going to hang soon!

Error 404 page not found

That is weird! I also can’t find the original link! Maybe the story was retracted or something!

Upon further digging, there was a problem where someone probably changed something while trying to edit the article. Here is the link to the text only

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Let’s shorten the process and do to All of those involved what happened to all the conspirators in Valkyrie. Put them on a sham trial ,then put them before a firing squad or hang them.

That may sound good but what happens when the democrats regain power and up the ante?

Do you really want to start seeing dissidents lined up for show trials and summary executions?


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All those involved in Spy Gate committed acts of TREASON. They weren’t DISSIDENTS!!!

Of course! They should all be tried, and hopefully there will be perp walks when all the evidence collected is finished to make sure a jury of 12 have no doubt to convict these treasonous scumsbags!

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No, treason is clearly defined in the US constitution. There acts were despicable but they don’t meet the standard for treason.

Well this is going to leave a mark, and it also means we are getting closer, its a steady drip, drip!

Rudy On the Bruce Ohr 302 release.

More insights with this link and available full PDF here

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Yea I saw this story when it aired. Sadly it helps give Orr cover.

Gives him cover because he is cooperating! We now have McCabe filing a lawsuit following Strozok’s lead!

Related article!


Yep. McCabe is just as stupid as Strzok and so are his lawyers.

You’d think by now these guys were familiar with “discovery”.

Of course he did. That isn’t even questionable.

Yep! Can’t wait for the STHTF!

Barr and the office of the SDNY prosecutor I believe are dead serious about nailing these guys to save the reputation of the FBI and Justice.

God I hope so! Literally the entire future of the country depends on it! If nothing happens and nobody is held accountable the country will eventually spiral out of control! I also like to think that there are a few politicians on this list that will be indicted as well!

Faith in LEO in general and specifically the DoJ and FBI is at it’s lowest levels in history.

When a strong majority of the country no longer has faith in “Equal Justice” the gov’t loses it’s moral authority to govern and nothing good can follow that.

