A man becoming a woman is still genetically a man and there isn’t a way to change the DNA.
Can you imagine a 7foot transgendered woman playing womens college basketball or a transgender woman on a fast pitch womens softball team???
They will have certain competitive advantages over genetic females.
Its surprising that not one Dem voted for this to prevent discrimination against genetic women.Why are they silent???
Your guess is as good as mine. My guess is they are only pandering to the extreme in the party. The charade of being “centrist” is over. True colors and all
They are silent because they don’t want to lose the Goon vote.
This subject really angers me. How can biological men compete against women and it be called Women’s sports!?
The Dems are so full of . They only act like they care about specific groups in order to get their votes. It’s just the same old song and dance with this bunch of liars.
The Dems have completely lost their minds. How many transgenders are going to vote versus the women they have ticked off because they’ve been sold out.
I think Abigail Adams said it before her…
Why have any women’s sports at all or we can have sports for male, female and ?
I say give the freaks their own venue. Let them compete against each other. The idea of men competing with women in sports is just about as ridiculous as letting adults compete with children.
The Democrat Party coddles these fucked up men who present themselves as women just to appease the overall LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ community by refraining to make it apparent that at least one group among them is totally fucked up.
God forbid we should hurt their feelings with rejection.
I suspect the reason why they don’t advocate for them having their own category is because no one would watch as well as screaming discrimination for being excluded. When they no longer make headlines for the controversies they create it is no longer profitable. It also lessens the detraction that such identity politics creates thus one less issue to keep us divided on.
Why have women drive or have a credit card???
It’s more surprising that republicans are pretending to care about women suddenly because they found a way to discriminate against transgenders.
Actually, they view it as something that needs to be addressed, and cared for.
There are numerous cases of men who ‘identify as a woman’ crushing female competitors due to superior size and muscle mass. This is not fair in the least. If we don’t draw the line women’s sports will be nothing but a bunch of bearded trannies competing in women’s outfits.
On a related note:
This is not a partisan issue, yet here you are again suffering from a severe case of TDS to make it as such! No wonder why everyone here thinks you are the village idiot, you can’t formulate an objective opinion that furthers this discussion here based on the facts to save your life! I digress!
But not to worry, it’s not a partisan issue though the op says it was only supported by republicans…
Yeah Ok doofus! You just proved my point of seeking out to cherry pick to make it a partisan issue! The vote is evidence enough that Democrats are hypocrites, much like you to which you regularly display here.
Morality is subjective. Where’s the support for your version, religion?
I don’t think that’s on topic Jim. Careful, or you’ll get reported, snicker…