For sure the beginning of direct foreign intervention when non-Americans can vote in elections.
Watershed moment in NYC: New law allows noncitizens to vote (
And the African Americans in that city won’t protest… they are literally taking their voice away.
99.99999% vote democrat and refuse to bite the hand that feeds them , back on that plantation .
"Many of the victims are Muslim immigrants from the West African nation of Gambia.
NYC Mayor Eric Adams urged all to seek help and assured their information would not be passed on to federal immigration authorities. He appeared on “Good Morning America” Monday morning to provide an update on the tragedy."
Assholes that take an oath then harbor criminals .
I guess NYC is aiding and abetting criminal activity since they’re ILLEGALS or for the Libtards, undocumented and should not be given voter status . Another way of keeping Marxists in power.
“the investigation is focused on a door that should have closed automatically but did not.”
“While the fire was contained to the duplex where it started on the second and third floors and the adjacent hallway, the smoke traveled throughout the building. It was the smoke that caused the fatalities.”
“The door to the fire apartment and one on the 15th floor did not shut automatically as they should have, allowing smoke to escape and billow throughout the building.”
““They are self closing but the door on 15 and the door to the fire apartment were not functioning as they should,” Nigro said. “The door was not obstructed. The door when fully opened stayed fully opened because it malfunctioned.””
"A city official says the building’s owners told them all the doors are self closing and that building workers confirmed the self closing mechanism was operational on the fire apartment door when the lock was repaired last July,
Investigators tested the self closing mechanisms on all doors in the building Sunday and most worked, though the door on the fire apartment did not, as well as a couple others."
One has to ask how many people were living in the stairwell and were the doors left open to allow heat to flow through.
Nevermind that there’s always foreign intervention in most all elections around the world, what’s the harm in lawful permanent citizens voting….?
Well hell, what’s that mean then, no big loss and what’s all the fuss???
Then you agree all non citizens should vote in all elections.
I see no problem with people who are legal permanent residents voting. Obviously if you’re residing here permanently you are financially (and many other ways) invested and have an interest in the way things are done….
Who’s against legal
Residents from voting?
Anyone other than a LEGAL CITIZEN should not have the right to vote!!!
What’s the problem with Legal residents voting?
While you’re living here just become a citizen then you can vote.
If not then go back to where you were a citizen and vote there.
One man one vote.
Yeah, they’re being given one vote, did someone say they were getting more….
Does the constitution explicitly state “that a citizen has a right to vote”??? Anyway, voting use to be limited to property owning white males…
I know that there are those that want to go backwards….
So most white men couldn’t vote
Remember Stalins quote on voting.The Dems have followed suit.
When are people going to wake up? This shit is so blatant and yet all people do is complain and do nothing.
The western right is ineffective because they still see this as “their” country despite having no power.
You are behind enemy lines.
The sooner you get that the sooner you’ll stop wasting your time on grift elections. This isn’t a good design gone bad. It’s a bad design that failed. You’re living under that failure and people still defend the design that keeps the enemy in control.