No evidence for anthropogenic climate change

This is speculation with regard to the timelines and frequency of glaciation. Earth is warming relative to the Ice Age possibly 4,000 - 3,000 years ago. There currently is no data to suggest we are entering another Ice Age (as was predicted 50 years ago).

I will ask again, what conditions need to be present in the Earth’s climate to cover 1/3 (?) of the planet with ice?
Cold winters and cool summers, huge amounts of evaporation and precipitation would be expected. Very warm ocean temperatures and significant solar radiation blocking particulate matter in the atmosphere, possibly caused by very active submarine volcanic activity during and after the global flood would fit into such a model.

Our Earth is still cooling down from it’s creation. Many ice ages have come & gone; and there very well may be more in the future. No Johnny, the sky is not falling; except in the minds of our liberals. That being said, what caused those 3 K high ice sheets, from past ice ages, to form, & what caused them to melt?

That’s a virtual certainty. The climate cannot remain static and water vapor is the key to the cycle. You get enough vapor in the atmosphere producing cloud cover and things start to cool off very rapidly. Just go out on a hot day when big clouds are passing by and you can feel the effect.

Heavy cloud cover over an entire hemisphere for a prolonged period of time and temps fall rapidly and significantly.

Once you get there it does’t take long for the effect to magnify or for that moisture to start returning to ground in the form of precipitation.

The sun done it.

However, the total solar energy this planet receives remains the same.

The planetary wobbling somehow affects the temp in the Northern Hemisphere (which then affects the Southern) and causes glacial and inter-glacial periods in Ice Ages to come and go. (Just like Milankovitch calculated.)

At the end of a glacial period, the temp sours suddenly, and the melting of ice is so dramatic, great floods happen like 13,000 years ago,

Earth’s heat is also trapped by cloud cover, e.g. clear skies in the winter versus a cloudy night.

Yep, but once the ground cools sufficiently it allows any fronts coming through to take care of the clouds through air movement and precipitation. Then it begins to get really cold, particularly on clear nights.

It’s 2019.

  • The Amazon is still on fire.
  • Climate Change is still real.
  • Millions of animals are getting killed every damn minute.
  • Our oceans are dying.
  • Millions of Animals go extinct.
  • The sea level is rising.

We’re fucked but yea it’s all fake.

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During the Jurassic, the average temp was much higher, and animals and plants flourished on earth as well as in the water.

There was a tear-jerker story about the Pacific island nation sinking into the ocean. Turns out the island is actually getting bigger.

There are parts of Sweden which are rising every year, still rebounding from the weight of ice in the last glacial.

Climate change supporters are the new anti capitalists. Problem is they’re taken seriously now.

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We are taken seriously because climate change is real and our fucking planet is dying! What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Climate always changes.
Nation states that contributed to human civilization are dying.
There is an overpopulation problem.


Climate change is real. No question. Where we part ways is when idiots think we’re causing it in spite of the evidence that the climate has changed for as long as this planet has been around. That’s ok though, you just go give your money to the government because they’ll fix everything. You know, like they’ve been promising to do with everything else for the past 100 years. Do you folks REALLY think taxing people is going to change the climate? You buy that shit? Tell me this genius, why is it that the “cause” just happens to be the SINGLE THING in the equation that they can tax? Can’t tax the sun. Proximity to the sun. Solar flares. Solar winds. Water vapor. . . . No, these people have promised you it’s CO2 and you’re going to believe them.

Governments have killed MILLIONS of people in the past 100 years. They’ve been caught starting wars on purpose. They’ve ruined health care while trying to help. They’ve harmed black people while trying to help. They’ve been caught deliberately injecting people with diseases. The list goes on and on, so just save us the poutrage because you’re the one believing in idiotic theories and handing more power to the government to “fix” them. It’s about power, not the damn planet. The planet will be fine. As a matter of fact, with the additional CO2, it’s actually doing BETTER. There’s more plant life and had we continued the downward trajectory, plant life would have died off eventually and it would be a barren planet again. Maybe the planet made us just to increase the CO2 levels so it could guarantee the survival of plants…

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  • The Amazon burns annually. 2019 the wildfires are down 17% over last year. Most of the burning is their Spring burning of fields before planting. A common practice around the globe.
  • No one is denying the climate changes.
  • Millions of animals die every year.
  • Our oceans are fine.
  • Scientists estimate m90% of all animal species are extinct.
  • The sea can’t be rising that much. The0bamas just bout a house at about 10 feet above sea level in Massachusetts.

Congratulations. You understand the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

There is no overpopulation problem. All the people in the world could be housed in Texas in Levittown style housing, with streets and parks and back yards.

What is your definition of climate change? Over what period? Because we had a warm summer? You’re talking about weather. What do you think is going to happen next? Yep, we’re overdue an ice age. It’s not like we haven’t been here before! During the age of the dinosaurs, Antartica was a lush rainforest. What, did the dinosaurs cause that? Did they fart too much and melted the ice?

Antartica time series. In thousands of years before present era.


Well that’s a bunch of alarmist crap.

It’s the season for burning in South America, same as every year.

Sea levels always rise during interglacial periods. They rose 300-400 feet in the last 10.000 years but only continue at a rate of a few mm per year. We’ll be just fine.

I fished and swam in the ocean two weeks ago, still full of life.

Millions of animals die every day no matter what man does, and millions of extinctions occurred before man ever walked the planet and will continue long after we are gone.

Survival of the fittest means that those who are not fit enough die off whether they be individuals or an entire species.

Death is part of the cycle of life and is essential to the continued existence of life on the planet.

Greenland was a paradise with weather about like current Virginia when the Vikings first landed.

Not for very long without a complete collapse of the population.

Arable land is at a premium and there’s not enough water to support that many people in even an entire country much less a single state, even one the size of Texas or AK.

Everything that is living is dying, we should all hit the panic button immediately. Everyone should jump ship immediately before the planet sinks!