No discussion necessary



I do love Scotch!.. :wink:


I believe that women are the future. Therefore, I want to sleep with every woman I meet.


That’s pretty much all they are good for anyway.

Misogyny is disgusting. It’s the reason women in the west are so much more likely to live in poverty, be raped, abused, murdered, and are more often killed by their partners and family members.

It’s the reason why, despite all the feminist advances we’ve seen in the last half century, women still report having experienced sexual assault at higher rates than they did even 50 years ago.

It’s the reason that there’s such a strong link between male-perpetrated violence against women and their own family members: the abuser is most likely to be their father, brother, or husband.

It’s the reason that, in America, white men commit domestic abuse at a rate of 3.7 per 1,000 of the population, while black men only commit domestic abuse at a rate of 2.4 per 1,000.

And it’s the reason that, in Australia, women are so much more likely to experience abuse than men: in Australia, men are 3.2 times more likely than women to commit domestic violence.

So the next time you hear a sexist joke, or you’re at the movies and hear a misogynist joke, think twice before laughing.

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Show bobs and vagene please


If you are going to make statistics up at least try to make them believable.

Tell women to stop dressing like this and acting like absolute whores in real life (hypergamy) and on social media….and then maybe men in the west might actually start respecting them again.


Women can do what they want, when they want. Men can go fuck themselves…literally.

Yes EVEN commit serial murder by murdering their OWN children as they slumber in the womb.

I LOVE men, I LOVE Alpha Males, I HATE Soy Boi’s who are basically NOT even to be considered men, the Soy Boi’s can go fuck themselves because let’s face it WHAT woman would want to have sex with those Semi-Homo’s.

Your comments are a massive generalization.

You are taking the line that ALL men are either abusers OR potential abusers. The majority of men are actually pretty decent, all the men I know and also work with are very decent people.

We also have to think that many women in a relationship abuse the man, women can and are abusers also.

The whole Feminism crap is just that crap, most Feminists are either Butch Lesbians or Angry Karen’s. I am a FEMININE woman, I am NOT and never will be a Feminist, I respect and like men and in turn every man I have ever known has liked and respected me, I do not belittle men, nor do I talk down to them and treat them as a potential rapist and/or abuser SIMPLY because they are a man and have a penis.

Unlike the Feminists I do NOT Fear The Penis.



The slut looks like she’s on drugs, she has those wild crazed eyes,

thorpe, thorpe…um no :roll_eyes:

That’s pretty unrealistic……

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Why don’t you meet Bklyn Jane. Maybe you could make her a Dyke!!!,

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Single malt only for me!

Ridiculous! Women provide what men cannot. With very few exceptions, that is true of all species that have male and female counterparts.

Wrong! A joke is a joke! A joke is designed to evoke laughter. People that cannot laugh at themselves will die earlier than they would if they did so.

The best jokes I hear come from people making fun of what they are. I have a friend who is a Rabbi and tells the best jokes about his religion.

It is the men among us that have the biggest problems with insecurity, rejection and rage.

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Me too. I’m an Islay junkie!


I recommend that you try The Glenrothes … not from Islay, but excellent and extraordinarily smooth. Bottled at several ages…10, 12, 18, 25 and 50 year old (aged in the cask).


This is a typical example of toxic masculinity.

A few years back, the NPR program “This American Life” did show on the subject of testosterone. Among other interesting segments, one was a female-to-male transgender, who described his experience of beginning hormone replacement doses of T. He was startled to discover that to someone with plenty of testosterone in the bloodstream, not only women are “objectified”—any object could be sexually arousing. It is not so much that women are the target of testosterone’s prioritizing, it is a blunt force that simply encourages viewing any receptacle as potentially useful (with obvious opportunities for misfires).

Another segment was a man who lost the ability to make testosterone for medical reasons, and noticed things lost significance, or rather they all had equal importance, that being not much. Apparently, to a man, testosterone will serve as a flag for high-value objects or experiences.

There is certainly more to daily life than the values enhanced by gender hormones, but they do underlie most important decisions. As men, you two should think about that.

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Count on NPR to come up with such anecdotal nonsense.

One thing advances civilization, intercourse, period.

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That only perpetuates it…….
If it advanced it, then why did the Europeans find the Lakota Souix still vagabonding in their teepees without any advancements….?