NJ Terror Suspect Polled Instagram Crowd on NYC Attack: Feds

You are free to do what you want but his claim was false. There isn’t nor has there ever been a legal requirement to monitor private conversations.

Personally I have a problem with it being done without the members being made aware of it.

I’m glad it’s out in the open now.

It’s unfortunate that you feel that way, but it is what it is.

I believe that even the most vile of speech deserves protection. That’s not going to change. There are plenty of places on the internet where speech is moderated to the specifications that you desire. You will probably be happier there.

I am not going to stop people from posting controversial things…as long as those things aren’t illegal. That’s that.

Do what you will but don’t then turn around and try to silence me for speaking truth to the lies, calling a terrorist an idiot, calling hate, hate, an calling out racists and anti Semites for what they are.

There are certainly legal requirements to ensure all of the things that I previously described aren’t taking place. If anything, it’s being proactive to avoid a legal headache later. If you aren’t going to foot my legal bills then you don’t need to worry about it.

If you can show me a federal law requiring people who operate bulletin boards to monitor private conversations I’d love to see it.

Stop hiding behind "free speech dude. You have banned people before for simple trolling.
So you have shown that you are mentally capable of making such a decision.
To pretend that this kind of propagandizing … blaming every catastrophe ever to befall the western world on ■■■■ … as having some moral equivalent with criticism of Catholics or Muslims is ridiculous.

No one should have to tell you or force you or require you by law to stop it. It is what anyone who recognizes the intent of those posts would do.

No one thought you wouldn’t.

No, that was considered. You leave out those who defended freedom of speech, how you run the site and respect for you and those that rejected the idea. Conversations Patriot. We all have them. We throw ideas out.

If it is a reasonable request then who cares what the background noise it.

Bullshit. I think I’ve flagged two posts and none were because I was being personally attacked.

Ah, and the negativity on the board and behind the scenes elsewhere is … non-existent?

People form groups. People talk in groups. People piss and moan about others in groups and blow off steam when frustrated. It is normal and I full expect that there are those you are not using as an example who do the same. Whether you can read it or not is another matter.

Nope. The personal attacks are going to stop. Attack the idea not the person. If the personal attacks continue then there will be consequences. That goes for everyone. We have the Perspective algorithm working and learning thanks to our fruitful discussions yesterday. It will provide a warning when it detects a personal attack or an unnecessarily inflammatory post. If someone decides to ignore the warning and continue with the post a flag will be issued. The flag will then be reviewed by a moderator. If the flag is sustained then the three flag rule is in effect. Three flags earns the offender a 1000 year ban. Simple.

It’s interesting that they were shot down but that isn’t mentioned is it?

And once again I only attacked the terrorist named in the article quoted by the op.

If you want to stop the personal attack fine, the stop them all is all I ask.

I gave you a long list of examples where your algorithm is failing including targeting my post which didn’t attack anyone here.

All I ask is that if you’re going to “moderate” then by all means do so but do it evenly and without bias.

But that make us anti-American liberals or even worse, don’tcha know?

There was no “comspiracy” either, there was simply a discussion about whether or not we were willing to continue funding the site if it is taken over by the Nazis and Their cohorts.

We are all free to decide what our dollars are spent on and this isn’t a “pay to post” forum, both those of us who have paid and those who haven’t have equal posting rights as far as I understand it.

Before the algorithm being deployed yesterday that would take three flags to be sustained. The model has changed to remove any sort of bias. That’s a good thing. The reason why it took three flags to sustain was because leftists tend to use flagging systems to their advantage. The Perspective API takes the human factor out of it completely. The longer it’s running the more it learns. This is a very high-end and sophisticated solution provided to us free of charge by the most evil company on Earth. Trust me, once it learns it will be highly accurate.

I’ve certainly seen some challenges in the Rabbit Hole. GC is about as dopey is it gets. There hasn’t been a single negative conversation there because the members are focused on other things. It’s largely politics and drama free.

The conversation that I’m referencing happened quite some time ago but I kept it in the back of my mind. I honestly just thought it was incredibly rude and disrespectful behavior. No one was kicked or banned for it. No one was treated differently. I am bringing it up now because the same people are trying to achieve the same objective they had previously discussed when the conversation was about withholding donations to force my hand. Even the people you despise here have never been so disrespectful to their host.

To a certain extent, I agree with you. Yet today, we have liberals exercising that very right and they are not being CHECKED with fact. Fact is being drowned out and this country is headed for a very dangerous place because of it.

So when actual FACT counteracts lies hiding behind Freedom of Speech what then do you propose? Be a conduit for lies to prosper? And I ask that question with all due respect.

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But there is no prohibition on posting facts? I would agree with your argument if that were the case, but it isn’t. What you need to remember is that the people here are among the small percentage of content creators on the internet. 10% of the people on earth create the content on the internet and 90% consume it. That means the facts that you feel so passionate about getting out there will be seen by the thousands of lurkers we get a day.

The idea is that people will eventually work up the nerve to start posting. You probably don’t remember what your first forum post was like, but it’s a pretty high bar for someone to get over.

Done - good catch on that. That was my error.

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I remember the conversation. Do YOU remember the people who were against it, supported you and gave you a hell lot of credit (all behind the scene, btw)?

Did you happen to notice that most in that conversation you are referencing no longer post here?

Why not make an appearance in the Fireside Chat if you don’t like the course of conversation. Very few are wilting lilies. But here we are. What you held in your back pocket.

For the record, I despise no one personally. What I despise is misinformation, one-sidedness and anything or anyone who denigrates, wants to destroy what made this a fantastic and great country.


I am so close to officially inviting Patriot. :wink:

No, Patriot. It is the same over and over again posting the same facts. At some point, people just get tired of it. When people get tired of it without support then they move on.

You then become some fringe hate site.

Look, I run a business and I have a hell of a lot of shit and an incredible amount of liability in what I do on my plate everyday. If I didn’t care about what you are about and what this site is about I wouldn’t waste my time TRYING to communicate with you on this.

I LIKE what you are about. I LIKE what you do. You were as welcoming as could be when a bunch of us migrated here. I appreciate the hell out of it and in any Fireside Chat (erp, up until yesterday) you’ll see that I have supported the hell out of you.

HELLS BELLS, Patriot. When my employees come to me and tell me there is a problem I listen to ALL sides and ask THEM for a resolve and I don’t take sides, hard as that is.

I ask questions, I foster engagement and problem solving. I sure as hell don’t pull out someone’s attendance report as a gotcha to create more division.

Diversity is a GIFT. It is an OPPORTUNITY. Bring people together don’t tear them apart.


I’d totally be on board with that.