NBC News anchor Chuck Todd raised eyebrows Sunday morning when he asked if President Trump had “blood on his hands” for his delayed response to the coronavirus outbreak.
Are these guys journalist or sensationalist? Why would ANYONE ask a irresponsible question like that? Does this sound fair and impartial?
That is like when Hillary (jokingly) said about Trump, “He did promise America First”.
The left cannot get enough of bashing Trump - no matter what he does or says. It’s almost laughable to poke fun back at these dumbasses - aka The Dumb-o-crats! Lol
I guess gutter snake todd boy forgot our vile demonrats were far too busy trying to unseat our President to allow President Trump to focus on the other dangers attacking our Nation . How many times have the demonrats attempted to UN-DO an election because they didn’t like the results ? How many times have the demonrats blocked every attempt OUR President made to fulfill his promises to Americans and secure OUR borders ? Demonrats are reaping the pain of their open border sanctuary cities decisions , just look at Cities and States most affected !!
Slow joe(ZZzzzzzz) hasn’t a clue what’s coming his way . The vile demonrats are in the process of dumping his geriatric senile butt for the new favor of the week gov. HOMO of NY . And the loathsome demonrats are going to use their favorite weapon metoo ! They leaked a sexual assault charge dated back to 1993 so they can feel justified in taking him OUT and replacing him with Mario HOMO of NY , hell they are even referring to the jerkoff as “ PRESIDENT CUOMO” . God help us !!!
What about all of the high ranking political officials in New York City who were telling people to go to the Chinese New Year parade and not be racist?
This is a great point. Because they are all Democrats they won’t be criticized by the media. However, their tweets have been archived and screenshotted for all to see. The director of public health for New York City was telling people, in the midst of a growing pandemic, to go associate with people at parades, bars, restaurants, etc. Now New York City is the hardest hit place in the country and they are trying to shift blame for their inaction and missteps on the Trump administration.
In the hardest hit State in our nation moron de Blasio encouraging New Yorkers to go about their daily lives, even as recently as March 13th, less than two weeks ago. So exactly WHO has blood on their hands ??? Who the fuck leads this State ? From running low on recommended ventilators , to caring more for illegals than Americans . Keep welcoming everyone and the rest of the Nation will keep clear of all you asswipes !
Those vile gutter snakes ask ; Which was the worst scare tactic used by the GOP in the campaign trail
1)ISIS is working with the Mexican drug cartels
2) Ebola infected terrorists could come through Mexico
3) ISIS plot to attack the us via Arizona backyard
This is MSNBC at it’s best . The National Inquirer has 100 times more credibility than those gutter rats !
The demonrats falsely claimed President Trump cut funds from the CDC when in fact it was OBAMA !
In 2012 72 million in cuts , 2014 270 million CUT , 2015 50 million CUT affecting biodefense and emergency preparedness programs . They love playing hide the wiener and shifting blame . LOSERS
Don Lemon is such a douchebag from the start. Most of the time, he makes absolutely no sense whatsoever on the issues he talks about. And other times, he is just one of those who you just want to ‘slightly’ take a 4x4 board across his face, and tell him to “wake the F-up!”
CNN anchor Don Lemon suggested on Monday night that his network shouldn’t carry President Trump’s daily coronavirus briefings because they’ve become his “new rallies.”
Trump does not have blood on is hands; but if he were involved with Benghazi, I might have a different opinion. One thing I can say about Benghazi is, we know TR wasn’t president.
Perhaps but there are far more dumb bells than intelligent voters . With the “new” ballot harvesting " same day registration the illegal votes will outnumber the legal votes for sure . Be prepared for districts reporting 350% voter turn out .