Romney is a bad person, he’s a globalist shill and what he says is directly from the puppet strings of the corporations that have not only bought him, but are selling out America.
Mittens should to go back to putting women in binders and torturing dogs while on vacation.
Mitt Romney the Certified Choke Artist and Owner of Bain Capital - the company whose business model is buying US companies and shipping them overseas…it’s natural for this chump to oppose Trump.
Trump ships his own share of jobs overseas, the two should blend swimmingly.
Pierre Delecto! He can run on a third party ticket with Carlos Danger.
He’s probably finished with that enterprise.
Ya know, he really does look like a Pierre to me. Very French and very cowardly.
Anyone who plays baseball knows that you never put a guy named “Mitt” batting cleanup
Funny, every post is an attack on Romney. He dares criticize dear leader. That’s an automatic axe from the red hatters. Trump has NEVER been wrong and NEVER could be. He walks on water you know.
Mitt Romney only cares about two things…Mitt Romney and Mormons. He ran an absolutely weak campaign against Obama. He’s also an open borders globalist and a war monger. He wants to sell off as many US corporations and jobs as possible and he doesn’t care what happens to the average American worker…as long as Mitt Romney is taken care of that’s all that matters.
It’s weird that you support Romney so much.
Not really, the full monte supports any one anything before he would support trump.
A leftist through and through.
I don’t support Romney, it’s weird that you think that.
I’m just amused that any republican that DARES to criticize Trump is a POS to the red hatter. Trump is the barometer. If you sing Trump’s praises they will sing yours, ignoring all your sins and faults. If you ever dare to criticize Trump, all your sins and faults will be highlighted.
Plus, he talks like John Kerry.
Speaking of that, the way Trump talks
“Dilecto” is French for Douchebag. Sad.
Mitt the Shit was the most PUSSYFIED candidate to oppose SCHMOBAMA ever. He cowered at the sight of him.
He’s about as much of a Senator as AOC is a Congresswoman. Both are DOUCHEBAGS elected by BRAINLESS voters.
Actually, dilecto is Spanish for beloved.
This is a great read that scorches Romney to the truest sense of his character! Ouch!
”The same day he was on the Senate floor fronting about “honor” and “betrayal” there was a civil war breaking out in Mexico, yet Mitt couldn’t spare a second to fight to secure our own border. Every year, our open border literally kills thousands of Americans, via criminals and fentanyl. That’s what we’re interested in, not refereeing between tribes on the other side of the globe. But the folks who really matter to Mitt, his fat cat elite pals, decreed that we just have to accept the open borders butcher’s bill because they need the serf labor and new voters, so Mitt’s right there championing the Kurds instead of you and your family.
I oppose Turkey and generally like the Kurds, but I like Americans better, and so should our Republican politicians.
Beyond his class solidarity, Mitt’s loyalty is to Mitt and the glory that he believes should come from his blazing Mittness. He started in Michigan, then was governor in Massachusetts, then ran for president, then thought about running for Senate from New Hampshire, then moved to rich guy central in La Jolla, then ran for Senate in Utah. He’s the establishment equivalent of the cheesy strippers who you see on Southwest flights from LAX to Vegas every Friday night, with little carry-bags for their g-strings. Except they have the self-respect that comes with knowing they didn’t earn their dollars shipping American jobs to Szechuan.“
Is that payback for having been broadbrushed as a deplorable by Clinton?
Nice try! Can you be any more daft? Context matters and obvious it’s something you are purposely obtuse about!