Not even close, and the fact you obfuscate by failing to acknowledge this says more about you and the substance of your arguments to being meaningless, rooted in lies, deception, and more ignorance! Your self indulgence to feed your own ego only hurts your own cause in the end! Now here is your ball back little one, go and play with your other little friends!
Ahh those pesky little things called facts!
Well, you can’t engage politics and retain tax exempt status too…
Blah, blah, blah blah! Copy and paste, copy and paste! You like repeating yourself?
He was under the control of the U.S. military, which meant he was no longer a lawful target.
Turns out that wasn’t the case. Not guilty.
It absolutely was the case, which is why he was charged to begin with. You cannot kill a prisoner and take a trophy picture with him. That a jury disagreed notwithstanding…
Well that’s an absolute lie. He demonizes individuals at the top of the DOJ and FBI and deservedly so. No president in history has been as supportive of the rank and file or of the agencies on the whole.
Of course it is when they are corrupt as hell and abusing their offices for political purposes.
Seems you missed your own party’s position on the FBI and DOJ during the sixties and seventies.
And one of them cleared him and admitted to the killing himself.
Does not matter, you can’t base your argument on what if’s, coulda, woulda, and shoulda BS, the jury came back with a not guilty plea! You simply refuse to accept it! Oh well! You can always go cry to your Mama who may accept your pleas of revisionism or for that matter alternate realities by way of blind loyalty, but the verdict stands!
No individual in the bureaucracy is beyond criticism for unlawful and or abusive acts in office.
Calling them out and turning the wheels of justice on them is exactly the right and proper thing to do.
You people sure as hell don’t hold back on criticizing the Atty Gen who is of course the Chief Law Enforcement officer in the US so stuff the hypocrisy and histrionic outrage.
Yes you can and they won their suit after the IRS commissioner was forced to apologize for the abuse they suffered.
Probably because killing a Muslim can’t be murder…
Ummm… that is like saying you spit on every soldier every time you criticize the Commander in Chief.
Criticizing the leadership and executives and senior staff of an organization is far from criticizing the professionals that are the rank and file. You must surely be swallowing the lies of the faceless and soulless liberals who say otherwise.
When they have been killing our soldiers… right you are.
But besides those, you likely have loved and cared about fewer Muslims than I have. So fuck you you disgusting piece of shit for your suggestion that those of us who find justice in the verdict do so simply because we do not value the lives of Muslims.
Bravo my friend. Bravo! Even better than my example with Barr, Sessions, or every other republican AG.
Mind you, these are the same people that want to abolish ICE and the CBP.
Snowflakes with switch blades, vicious cowards who can dish it out but can’t take it and its clear that lawlessness is acceptable to a rabid liberal snowflake if its in their interest or benefit. Weaponization of agencies like the FBI, CIA, DOD, State Dept. if in service of liberal leftist socialist SOB’s is okay and to hell with the rule of law.
I find it interesting that the medic who claims to have killed the ISIS fighter did so for humanitarian reasons because when wounded fighters are returned to ISIS custody they are routinely tortured before dying from the wounds they received and apparently his wounds were terminal. Now since we are fighting a barbaric enemy capable of any and all atrocities I tend to believe the USA medic myself, but you can bet anti-American disgusting POS liberals will side with the jihadi over our Military troops.
Yes, do tell that to LaRaza, and a host of other leftist groups.