Nancy Pelosi and impeachment

[quote=“montecresto1, post:77, topic:2801, full:true”]
For any nastiness coming from any American politician on either side of the isle, and it’s there to be sure, NOTHING comes close to the insatiable appetite that Trump has for petty name calling, personal attacks and insults…[/quote]

It is, unfortunately, true that President Trump can sometimes be quite uncivil; and the monikers that he has attached to his opponents (which include fellow Republicans; remember the 2016 primaries?) are good examples of this.

But why would anyone pretend that nothing done by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer even “comes close” to the President, in this regard? (If you will recall–and perhaps you have not even noticed–the former has recently proclaimed that she does not want to merely see Donald Trump impeached, but actually imprisoned once he leaves office. For a House speaker to say that about the president–who is attached to the other party–is certainly unprecedented within my lifetime.)

Yes, that’s because she’s read the Mueller report. But where was she nasty. Donald trump is the nasty, name calling and uncivil person that even his closest ally’s in congress now, pointed out themselves during his campaign, thinking, or hoping, or both that such a caustic individual could never be president in America.

I won’t defend Trump’s tweets, nor his thin skin. He has tweeted some truly cringeworthy stuff.

Up until the Kavanaugh hearings I would not have voted for his re-election.

After seeing that circus, after seeing Dems on that committee slander a man the pile of their characters together, couldn’t begin to reach- I changed how I felt. Through clowns like “yes or no” Harris, and poi pig Hirono treating a lying sleaze professor/actress (discovered by none other than “Podunk, USA” Anna Eshoo) like some sort of Joan of Arc when all of her supposed witnesses denied the event happened- was just too much for me.

Since the Dems regained the house, their focus has been on ‘getting’ Trump, and not on doing their jobs. They have fought any measure that prevents people crossing into the USA to claim phony asylum fears. This s not out of altruism, it is a long term plan to one day when they have regained power, to legalize 20-30 million ‘undocumented’ Dem. voters to ensure an unbreakable plurality, rendering democracy moot.

Sounds like a paranoid fantasy, but which party is advocating packing the SCOTUS? Which party refuses to even consider changing the asylum process? Which party in California is offering free medical coverage for illegals?
Dems have big plans for the country, none of them good.


I can appreciate that honesty. :+1:

Wait a minute!!! Up until kavanaugh you were going to vote for the democrat that will be running against him???

Reagan was the first to sign legislation giving amnesty to “illegal aliens”.

If the Dem. was a moderate, yes. So far each of the Dems who started out a moderate (Buttigeidge, Biden, Klobuchar) has either been relegated to oblivion for insufficient zeal (Klobuchar) or is being pulled inexorably into the left pole.

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It was a rhetorical question but thanks. :+1:

Yes, for 3 million-
with the proviso that it would never be repeated
and they were not given the right to vote.

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They’re probably voting…:rofl:

Anyway, I’m sure that the Dems will have their proviso too…:wink:

I really do not think it gets much nastier than hoping that the president–attached to the other party–might be imprisoned, once he leaves office.

Moreover, I really do not know how you might justify her nastiness by noting that Ms. Pelosi has “read the Mueller report.”

And once again: I will give you the assertion that Donald Trump can be quite nasty–no argument there–and I really do not at all care for it. But I truly do believe that others should police their own ranks before turning their fire upon others.

How is it she got nasty, it’s lawful to put people in prison that have broken the law. :man_shrugging:

One only has to look at Pelosi’s district to see how sick not only she is but her supporters are as well. She is doing the same for this country as she is for San Francisco. Spreading welfare dependency, homelessness, drug abuse and disease.

It absolutely floors me that people would look to the likes of her for any kind of leadership. She is a disgrace and an absolute embarrassment to this country.

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Agreed. If the true colors of the democrats didn’t scare the hell out of you during the Kavanaugh hearings then honest to God, you might just be happy living in North Korea.

The nutbags that supported the democrats made it look like an insane asylum let out it’s inmates.

I think a lot of people were woken up by that, by what is happening at the border and the cries for impeachment. The dems have taken their masks off and what lies beneath is ugly and evil.

Only died-in-the-wool anti-Trumpers believe that President Trump has “broken the law.” Yet you state it as though it were an unquestioned fact.

No, Speaker Pelosi has done something that was never before done in my lifetime: She has implied that the president (of the other party) is a criminal.

I find it quite sad that we have now gotten to the point where political differences are criminalized…

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There is a reason why this type of behaviour is reaching its zenith in the way that it is playing out now, just wait until the other shoe drops! It’s coming soon! It’s going to get much uglier!

Not exactly, but most every democrat that has read the MR has stated emphatically that there are ten accounts of obstruction of justice in it that Mueller could have and would have indicted for if not for the OLC “standard”. An impeachment inquiry is what would determine if in fact it is “unquestioned fact”.

Did you read all 439 pages of the report? Whose word are you relying on to form such an opinion?

We haven’t “just” gotten their.

She did do so in the privacy of her caucus room, and it was leaked. Otherwise yes, most Dems that have read the MR claim ten examples of OOJ that Mueller could have and would have indicted Trump on if not for the OLC standard and why he stated in his presser that it’s for congress to take up. So, if there are infact ten examples of obstruction of justice in muellers report, then one could see why she called him a criminal.