Nancy Pelosi and impeachment

When you put into context of the Overton window where they move the goal posts slowly the left believes they are right and everyone else is wrong. The shock was who the Overton theory was blown up in 2016 when the voters shove it in their face and said, no thanks.

And of course it did shift the Obama era movement to the left back in a right direction which was most distasteful for the progressives.

Nothing wrong with Hegelian undertones, per se. Marx is to Hegel as Charles Manson is to the Beatles. Hegel did not write Das Kapital.

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[quote=“Call_me_Ishmael, post:22, topic:2801, full:true”]

Nothing wrong with Hegelian undertones, per se. [/quote]

I very much disagree.

The Enlightenment philosophers certainly did not march in lockstep with one another–Hegel was hardly indistinguishable from Hobbes; and Rousseau was not at all similar to Locke–but Hegel may be described as one of the “romantics” of the time.

I am not at all aligned with this group–to put it mildly.

No, Hegel did not author Das Kapital.

But he did believe in the Romantic philosophical tradition (for lack of a better term). And Wikipedia lists one of his philosophical predecessors as Jean-Jacques Rousseau; and one of his philosophical successors as Karl Marx.

I do not agree with the Romantics–to say the least.

I always thought of trump as a Democrat before he ran as a Republican, that’s why he was able to strip way Reagan Democrats from Hillary. I guess by definition of today’s Democrats hes right wing populist.

He’s not a Democrat. He is the Democrat Party’s nemesis! That’s why they are eager to impeach him. They know they can’t beat him in 2020.

Marx was an atheist. Hegel was not.

Marx used Hegel for his perverted economic philosophy… not the other way around.

Romantic…blah blah blah… labels that mean nothing to me.

Probably because of his changing liberal ideology and donations to Democratic Party members.

Well, that and he already tried for the office in the reform party.

Some people are just opportunistics with no real ideological values. :man_shrugging:

Every one has some values…depending on ones definition…and as Clinton and Obama proved, not having them has little to do with getting re-elected.

Is being a ideologue a good thing?

But not everyone’s are changing opportunistically.

Trump was never a republican until he decided to run for president.

Most of the democratic party certainly is. The opportunity is to secure unlimited power by selling us out to the illegals and phony asylum seekers they continue to help to flood the country.

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There were four campaign promises Trump made that I looked forward to if I was stuck with him…

  1. He would lock her up. That was repeatedly promised, even on the debate floor with her.

  2. He would pay off the ND during his eight years.

  3. He would run balanced budgets, having bragged about how easy it is.

  4. He would be too busy as president to go golfing, wouldn’t see his resort properties for the duration of his presidency…


There were only two that I counted on.

  1. appoint SCOTUS justices that respected the written constitution.

  2. spit in eye of progressive liberals as often as possible.

I’m satisfied that he kept his promise. Everything else is icing on the cake.

  1. Appoint Federal Judges to offset the activist judges appointed by Barack Obama.

Oooh… yes… the 9th circuit appointments are like water to thirsty man.


Neither of them do…

A breath of fresh air.

Paying off the national debt in 8 years would be mathematically impossible.

If you were counting on that you were living in some sort of delusion.

Hillary is a long way from being in the clear.