Mulvaney admits to quid pro quo

Lol. And what pray tell is William Arthur disgruntled about, other than perhaps the president using his personal attorney to conduct shadow diplomacy outside the purview of standard diplomatic protocol???

Look, you may demonize Mr Arthur all you’d like, as I’m sure Trump will begin to do shortly. But it was Trump who sought him out, asked him to come out of retirement for the very abstruse project in Ukraine, because of his stellar resume and 50 years of outstanding service to the country. He accepted the appointment against the wishes of his wife on the basis that Trump was an insolent man who had already smeared the previous ambassador. But against his wife’s protestations he accepted the appointment because he wanted to serve his country and was concerned about Ukraine’s future over Russia’s proxy war with them.

I’m sure his wife is now telling him I told you so, and that he’s wishing he had listened.

Again (not sure why this has to be repeated so) the democrats are not abusing anything. The best hearings are done behind closed doors. That’s what Trey Gowdy insisted during the Benghazi investigations. :wink: Perhaps you can SHOW me where they are in violation of the constitution, hmmmmm?

Furthermore, republicans are in on all three of the committees investigating, they have in fact a presence of 47 of them in there.

More word salad from the in-house clown!

Translated, you cannot point to any abuse of the constitution in the democratic party’s process…

Again desperate troll screaming to be heard!

Sure there is. And both Nixon and Clinton impeachment proceedings began in private and then were moved to public settings. Just as will be the case with this one.

The desperation continues!:nerd_face:image

The last two impeachment’s began with closed door depositions. Back in 1998 Lindsey Graham was barking that we need private depositions in order to determine if there should be actual impeachment and trial. He also told the senate that there doesn’t need to actually be a crime to impeach, in this constitutional republic you can loose your job for failing to comply with congressional oversight. He said that Nixon was impeachable the moment he refused to submit to congressional subpoenas…:wink:

Be brave and watch the video of Lindsey Graham insisting that Clinton be held to a standard that he now considers to be improper…:rofl:

Ha ha ha! So funny! Monte looking for his daddy!


And then there’s this to watch for next week. :wink:

Tim Morrison, a top Russia and Europe adviser on President Donald Trump’s National Security Council, is expected to testify before House impeachment investigators next week and corroborate key elements of a top US diplomat’s account that Trump was pressing for Ukraine to publicly announce investigations into the Bidens before he would greenlight US security assistance, according to sources.

And of course William Taylor is that “top diplomat”…


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And there is also this to watch out for! Its all connected. And you will be the looking like a bigger clown than you already are!

Here is the funnier part!

Perhaps you can explain the Democrats refusal to conduct a floor vote to authorize the so-called impeachment inquiry. It’s a precedent from previous impeachment proceedings. Oh wait, previous impeachment inquiries insured Presidential council could attend and question witnesses and the minority party was given subpoena power. Resistance Democrats have swing district members to protect so the President has less access to due process than someone cited for a parking offense.

The childish insistence on a Constitutional prohibition on the current Star chamber proceeding betrays a profound lack of understanding the problem. The Constitution gives the power of impeachment to the House as an institution not to the whim of the Speaker or partisan committee chairs. Democrats are demonstrating the sagacity of previous proceedings conducting a floor vote to authorize impeachment inquiries and define equitable rules for its conduct.

Of course Resistance Democrats have long ago abandoned even the pretense of following the Constitution or anything else that delays the lynching.

The 47 Republicans on impeachment inquiry committees excuse ignores the lack of due process in the current charade. Legitimate impeachment inquiries have rules supporting equitable treatment and representation from the President.

It’s not a constitutional requirement…:man_shrugging:

And at trial he’ll have every opportunity to do so. Don’t you believe that Mitch Mc Connell will give him a fair trial? Do you understand what’s going on now is depositions?

House sets the rules.

Q: Has a crime been committed?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you have evidence?
A: Not yet.
Conclusion: Go home. Stop looking for the pony in the pile of dung.

This is possibly VERY relevant – connects the Chinese stealing military technology with Burisma. A member of The_Donald Reddit did this research.

Posted byu/traqbak
1 day ago
Biden, Kerry, Heinz, and Archer Timeline
I’ve spent the past few nights in never ending rabbit holes on US, China, and Ukraine relations over the past 10 years…I’ve took what I believe is the most critical and important information and structured this timeline, from 2009 until Biden’s decision to run for president.


Hunter Biden (son of Vice President Joe Biden) and Chris Heinz (stepson of Secretary of State John Kerry) create Rosemont Capital, an international investment firm with the help of Devon Archer, a businessman and close friend of Heinz. Rosemont would eventually expand and adding two branches, Rosemont Realty and Rosemont Seneca Partners.



After months of tough talks with China. Biden & Kerry back down on the South China Sea Dispute. At which point China immediately ramps up activity on the disputed territories mostly with military bases being constructed.

12 days later the bank of China creates an investment fund with Rosemont Seneca, a branch of Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz’s Rosemont Capital. The fund name was Bohai Harvest Rosemont more commonly known as BHR.

China also allows Rosemont to set up shop in the shanghai zone…which means Rosemont would actually be allowed to take chinese goverment money and actually invest it outside of China…even in the US. Making rosemont the only western company in world with that power.

Within 2 weeks the BHR fund secured $1.5 billion dollars.



John Kerry visits China, a climate accord is reached between China and the US and it’s headline news around the world.


What doesn’t make headline news is a state-backed chinese company under the name of Gemini purchases 75% of Rosemont’s Realty branch for $75 million…a few months later, Gemini invest $34 million into a Rosemont fund.


Hunter Biden is discharged from the US navy for cocaine usage…


White House records show Joe Biden holds a meeting in white house with Devon Archer.


Devon Archer opens a foreign limited liability company under the name Rosemont Seneca Bohai LLC, using a Ft. Lauderdale Adress.


5 days later, Biden travels to meet with Ukrainian officials in Kiev and offers Ukraine $1 billion to help aid Ukraine’s natural gas industry and economy.


Less than a week later Devon Archer joins the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian natural gas company.


2 weeks later Hunter Biden joins Archer as a board member of Burisma, coincidentally this is around the same time Senator Edward Markey along with 3 other senators write Obama a letter asking for increased aid in Ukraine around the same time.

“We should leverage the full resources and expertise of the U.S. government to assist Ukraine in improving its energy efficiency, increasing its domestic production, and reforming its energy markets,” wrote Markey, who has also proposed legislation with about $40 million in additional aide for Ukranian energy development.


Neither Hunter nor Devon had any experience in the energy sector field, records obtained show Hunter Biden was being paid north of $50,0000 a month by Burisma.


Meanwhile back in China, a company named AVIC (aviation industry corporation of china) has been secretly stealing US technologies related to a F-35 stealth fighter jets…AVIC also teams up with a fund known as BHR, the same BHR fund that is owned by Biden and Kerry’s sons and had secured $1.5 billion from the chinese goverment.


Burisma makes a $3.4 million dollar payment to Rosemont Seneca Bohaii LLC.



AVIC buys 51% of a technology known as henniges, Biden and Kerry’s BHR fund purchases the remaining 49%.


Henniges was an anti-vibration technology considered a dual use because it’s used in on military vehicles…like an F-35.

This technology was on the restricted commerce list so it would be require the approval from the committee of foreign investments of the united states for it to be released…the person in responsible for that decision? John Kerry, the secretary of state, and the stepfather of chris heinz who’s BHR fund bought 49%.

His state department approved the deal the same year.


BHR then teams up with a Beijing company this time to buy 100% of a rare earth material called molybdenum. 4 years earlier, the US had filed a complaint to the world trade organization charging Beijing with attempting to control the worlds rare-earth minerals, the WTO ruled in the US’s favor.


Back in Ukraine, Burisma makes another $3.4 million payment to Rosemont Seneca Bohaii, LLC…sparking a potential corruption probe into the natural gas company, which 2 years earlier had placed Hunter Biden and Devon Archer as head board members after Joe Biden used $1 Billion of US money to help boost Ukraines gas and economic industries.



a high profile Ukrainian prosecutor by the name of Shokin launches a relentless corruption probe into Burisma…and almost instantly started feeling pressure receiving pressure from the ukranian president to not pursue any further in the investigation of Burisma.


“On several occasions President Poroshenko asked me to have a look at the case against Burisma and consider the possibility of winding down the investigative actions in respect of this company but I refused to close this investigation,” Shokin would later claim in reports recently obtained by the hill.

So despite Shokin’s best efforts and unwillingness to pursue justice, as he got closer to bringing hunter biden in for questioning regarding $3.4 million, so did the pressure from Ukranian officials…which were in constant contact with US vice president Joe Biden.


A withdrawal is made from Rosemont Seneca Bohaii’s account on March 7th and it’s the last activity ever recorded.


Days later, Biden threatens Ukraine to end the investigation or he would cancel $1 billion in US loan guarantees.

a video has since surfaced in 2018 of him bragging about the blackmailing of Ukraine with US Taxpayer money to have Shokin terminated.


“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko.

But Biden Actually flew Poroshenko to Washington for a ‘working lunch…’


and the investigation into Burisma ended.


June, Devon Archer along with two other men are arrested for conspiracy to commit securities fraud that totaled more than $60 million.



November, a jury finds Devon Archer along with the two other men guilty of conspiracy to commit security fraud.

But U.S. District Judge Ronnie Abrams overturned the jury’s decision on Devon Archer, ruling…

“the evidence at the trial earlier this year had not shown that the man, Devon Archer, knew that the bond issue was fraudulent, or that he received any personal benefit from it.”and said she was “left with an unwavering concern that Archer is innocent of the crimes charged.”

She upheld the convictions of the other two men who were tried and convicted alongside Archer.



April 20th, Hunter Biden leaves Burisma.


April 25th Joe Biden announces his candidacy for president of the United States.


Shareable link: Biden, Kerry, Heinz, and Archer Timeline

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Sonoland knew there was a QPQ, and said so. Next up, John Bolton. Better start your smear campaign of him now…:roll_eyes: