Mueller Report Submitted to the AG

Give Barr and Horrowitz a couple of months, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Even if lot of the conduct was not illegal it certainly violated DOJ/FBI ethics rules and I think we’re going to see quite a few more firings.

I also expect that as a result of the Horrowitz Report we’ll see more criminal referrals.

There are also criminal referrals from the GOP house still working their way through the system which unfortunately can be slow.

I would not at all be surprised to see Barr naming a Special Counsel to go digging for gold with respect to the “deep state actors” who were obviously attempting a soft, silent coup under the color of authority. Even if it doesn’t rise to the level of treason Oppression Under Color of Authority is a very serious federal crime.

We have a lot of very good, very smart lawyers at DOJ that I’m sure can make the case for these and other charges particularly against Comey, Strzok, Paige, McCabe, Rybiki, and others.

Time to make examples of everyone involved to send a clear message that never again will this kind of conduct be tolerated.

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None of which was found to be anything done in concert with the Trump Campaign.

Newsflash, the Russians have been interfering in our elections and political process for more than fifty years.


One word. “Trump”. That’s why.

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Nice barrage of meaningless, presidentially parroted diversion.
You must be an extreme, right wing nut, that believes every conspiracy theory which tries to discredit everything our intelligence agencies tell us is fact.
Im not saying the Chinese didnt do something, who knows. But there IS evidence the Russians interfered. You sir, are an idiot.

I think it will be Brennen that will be first to be indicted!

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Adam Schiff should be next. What a goddamned dork!


Of course it did.

Because Queen Hillary couldn’t have possibly be responsible for her losing the election.

Wow! I thought of you to be a reasonable guy! Now I am starting to think that you are another Pragmatice troll bot here. Might explain your absence from this forum!

I am a lawyer by trade so my threshold for certifying true statements is evidence and that is my standard! If you don’t get that part of the conversation then you are a fucking moron! I am done here as you have shown your true colors Pragmatic!

Hillary was a disaster. That really doesnt affect Russian meddling, despite the fact that she was a prime target

That explains a lot. Especially your arrogant tone

I don’t know about first but he should certainly be high on the list.

He’s made upwards of 30 Million dollars since retiring due to helping launch and foment the conspiracy.

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Why is it that some tag that incidence to Trump when Mueller’s has found nothing?

Want to answer the real question that I asked and you conveniently ignored?

Pluck that redwood out of your own eye before worrying about his splinter.

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This is what I think of your comments!

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How can you say Mueller found nothing. Thats simply not true.

Mueller found no collusion with the Russians and the Trump campaign.

Do you know something Mueller and 25 million dollars doesn’t know?

You see a pattern here? Being purposely obtuse?

I find it funny that people claim what is in the Mueller report when no one including congress has seen what is in the report. Don’t waste your time with people who are bankrupt of critical thinking skills. TROLL ALERT!


A fellow Christian.
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

They continue to cling to the hope they can still get rid of Trump.