Mueller Report Submitted to the AG

Oh please, how quickly we forget how many times the Obama admin investigated itself and found no wrongdoing. Pfft.


The AG is appointed by the POTUS and has to be confirmed by the Senate.

Barr is as respected by both sides as a straight shooter as anyone who’s ever held the office.

It was his determination to make as AG and he made it based on the facts he was given in the Mueller Report almost all of which was compiled before he was even nominated for the job.

What kind of gender norming are you engaging in? He/she/it could be a trans who feels more comfortable in the mens room, you can’t decode gender by bathroom choice, that’s fluid. Maybe they felt masculine that day?

Here is the deal morons on the left, if you want to unseat a President, there is only one way to do it, impeachment. If you don’t have the votes in congress to pull that off, suck it up. You can’t arrest them, you can’t indict them and you can’t hold your breathe until they go away.

Truth. No need to be toothy. It is what it is.

My bad. :eyes: :restroom: :smiling_imp:

Whatabout that? Maybe. No one cares

The gender likely depended on which Pragmatic was posting at the time.

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Barr is actually qualified, i will give him that. I will even go back on the assumption that he’s working for Trump.

You are absolutely right! If there is not grounds, ppl should shut tf up. I personally think something shady happened during the 2016 campaign, but my personal opinion does not constitute a national crisis

One of the most intensive and broad reaching investigations in our nations history has shown absolutely no evidence of any coordination or collusion between the Russians and Trump Campaign.

What more will it take to satisfy you?

We cannot truly say until the report is made public

Im not denying or affirming

We know what Mueller and Barr wrote relative to both.

You will never see the full report, it isn’t going to happen.

At best a heavily redacted version is going to be released giving us about 10-20% of the full report since so much of what it is based on is classified or privileged information.

Yes, and that is a problem

Why is it only now suddenly a problem? This has been the case with every special or independent prosecutor ever appointed.

It is what it is, but, there will, obviously, be a fight over it. “What needs to be protected?” Why does it need to be protected?
Its a fact that Russia acted to influence the 2016 election. To what extent? Were Americans involved? To what extent were they involved?
Aren’t you curious?

Yes, of course. If I ever had any doubt that libs - from forum libs to Congressional libs - are simply trolling us and the public, that doubt is 100% gone.
No reasonable person would carry this collusion charade any further. History books will have a footnote:

“Liberals were so butthurt in November 2016 that they created a lie about collusion and then believed it themselves to the point that they became unhinged. The phenomenon was known as TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

No lib deserves one more second of my time discussing this. Trump should just ignore any request from Congress for more information.

So libs made up the meeting with russsians? Set up by don jr

They law determines what is privileged and classified.

We know that after two years of the most intensive investigation possible no evidence of collusion or coordination between the Russians or any other foreign power and the Trump Campaign could be found.

The Russians goal was to destabilize the US and cripple this administration, they’ve accomplished it. I don’t need the classified details to understand it.