Mueller Report Submitted to the AG

They law determines what is privileged and classified.

We know that after two years of the most intensive investigation possible no evidence of collusion or coordination between the Russians or any other foreign power and the Trump Campaign could be found.

The Russians goal was to destabilize the US and cripple this administration, they’ve accomplished it. I don’t need the classified details to understand it.

My point is that it’s not just all made up conspiracy. There’s something worth investigating

I agree with your point, but i do think it was worth investigating, wherever the facts led

Meeting with Russians is not a crime. The Hillary Campaign met with Russians as well.

The Russian contingent was also present at the DNC convention and met with numerous Democratic party officials and office holders as well as the candidates.

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You should have sent your resume to Mueller nearly 2 years ago. You could have brought that to his attention. You would have been a great help to him.

Whether or not it was a “witch hunt,” we needed to know the extent of the Russian propoganda that infiltrated our democratic process

Libs have selective memories when it comes to their side and the Russians.

You forget, Hillary was looked into on all this shit

Stfu you Russian troll

Really? None of you gave a shit about it when it was happening before? Or are you under the impression this has never happened before Trump?

Oh… ok wow thats a great incite

Good to see you back CMI!

Knock it off. I’ve had enough your bullshit.

You should go back to Croatia!

Well i have no idea who CMi is, but i will proudly fill his shoes

Which has nothing to do with this investigation. The focus of this investigation was obstruction and collusion/coordination.

A half dozen facebook posters from Eastern Europe certainly didn’t sway the election.

The accuastions of treason by Trump and company however definitely did have an effect on the election and the two year smear campaign coordinated by the Democrats and their willing accomplices in the press have driven a wedge right down the middle of the country and hamstrung this administration’s ability to govern.

The investigations that are about to begin will properly address the misconduct by gov’t employees in sowing that division and the attempt to take this administration down from within.

Hang on, the next two years are going to be very enlightening.

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You should learn some damn manners.

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Exactly, when republicans were giving this warning from 2013-2016 it was completely dismissed by Obama’s Administration. Only after Hillary’s upcoming loss became obvious did they begin to give a damn.

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No she wasn’t, she was given a free pass and exonerated before half the principles were even interviewed.

Never fear though, the Horrowitz report is probably going to be out in the next sixty days and Barr will likely be convening a special grand jury and/or prosecutor to look into it.

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You are hugely misguded… it wasnt half a dozen eastern Europeans, it was a multi-million dollar campaign by Russian operatives to affect a change via social media