More provocations directed at Iran

So again you demonstrate you have no idea what you’re talking about.

This is just one of several hundred types of modern US anti armor and anti personnel bomb.

Here is another.

How effective are they? Remember the Highway of Death during the invasion of Iraq? These are a couple of generations beyond what we even had then.


Iran will fight tooth and nail, because Iranians are not Iraqis.

Even if America wins a war with Iran, America has nothing to gain. Except a bloodied hand, and a bunch of American mothers and wives who mourn for the deaths of their sons/husbands.

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They’ll be fighting each other. The US isn’t going to invade.

And if Washington hasn’t learnt anything by now from the fiasco of Afghanistan, it never will. But then, the definition of ‘stupid’ is making the same mistakes again and again, so who knows!

I personally don’t believe that any future wars will be won or lost on a battlefield.

As I was about to doze off early this morning, I heard a ping from my phone which caused me to check for an urgent text message from President Trump or an email from my buddy, Pompeo with the red hot skinny on why we killed the goatfucker, Soleimani. They usually tell me everything, including sources, methods and descriptions of ironclad evidence included in the intelligence input they use to make the decisions on things like this.

I was disappointed in finding it was only an email from the Gatestone Institute with an article by Professor Alan Dershowitz about some crackpot Psychiatrist that claims it is psychotic to defend our Constitutional rights. So I read the article and it became instrumental in piquing my interest in checking because of its message regarding a bullshit artist (the psychiatrist…not Dershowitz)…and I happened on this thread first.

This thread reminded me of another thread, a video posted in it and my response after viewing the video from beginning to end.

I’m posting both below to give you something to do while I type my thoughts on this thread…which is chock full of similar speculation (bullshit) and more bullshit responses to the bullshit that precedes them.

Here’s all you need to know: (followed by my comments on this bullshit thread)


You characterize Pompeo’s “lay out” as bullshit…then follow up with true bullshit by expressing some loony expectation of his providing national security information to you (and the rest of the public) by way of evidence concerning the decision to kill the goatfucker.

We all want to know everything. Since we are not privy to the esoteric information that must be kept out of the public venue to protect sources and methods (lest we lose the sources and neuter the methods), we speculate (make shit up) by imagining what could have happened.

Depending on whether we agree with the decision (to kill the goatfucker) or not, we conjure up (by way of conjecture) possibilities that support our bias.

Most people have no idea what intelligence gathering involves when electronic devices are not used to record images or conversations. It takes human observations, at close range, possibly infiltration into the entities planning to do us harm.

These are known as spies. They come from all sorts of backgrounds and occupations. Snitches at all levels. Conversations overheard. Sightings of suspicious happenings…many sources.

The fact that the public is not informed of all the evidence is what keeps the system working.

How many stories have you read regarding a terror plot being thwarted because LEO got wind of it? How do you think they got the information? How much success would they have in detecting future terrorist plots if they revealed how they detected previous plots?

The demand to know everything is bullshit.

Again, I say…this is bullshit.

We do not need to know everything. If 25 years of killing and maiming by the goatfucker is not enough to convince us that his behavior is not going to change and that the probability of Pompeo and the intelligence community being in a position to discern imminent danger is high, then perhaps we need to be complacent and accept terrorism and murder of innocents as the norm.

If we reveal all the evidence to all the assholes in Congress, one or more of them will not resist the temptation to leak to the press and do us all harm in the future. About half of Congress hates the President and would love to see him fail. There are enough Obama holdovers in government to justify holding cards close to the vest. Fuck 'em!

#5 is pencil neck Adam Schiff. He takes a leak every time he gets a chance. He’s the sleaziest fucker in Congress today.

Your idea is bullshit.

More bullshit.

Yet more bullshit.

Much of that came about as results of the Muslim-loving Obama, the biggest hoax ever perpetuated on the American public. He played patty cakes with ISIS after he nurtured it into a large caliphate. Fuck Obama.

Many third world nations are likely not even aware that Iran exists. They don’t count. Iran is singularly obtuse among nations that have developed a sense of global civilization. People that can read and understand the news of the world know than Iran is the asshole of the world and has little regard for human life.

Don’t worry. It will be short…maybe even shorter than the 6 Day War when Israel whipped the shit out of Egypt.

Iran wouldn’t last through a week of all out war with the US.

That’s because you’re ignorant of the conventional (non-nuclear) weapons we have.

We don’t need boots on the ground to take out the Iranian military…completely.


Now here’s that psychiatrist’s bullshit I mentioned at the top is this bullshit thread.


It’s his responsibility to brief congress on this. He doesn’t have the intelligence and everyone knows this. Mike Lee and Rand Paul we’re clear on this.

Except that Trump rode into town on a horse of a different color. The first president to acknowledge that the US has “wasted 7 trillion dollars in the ME” and to publicly declare so. He came to town on the promise to put a swift end to that and bring our troops home.

Instead however, he has ramped up troop deployments, added a trillion dollars to that waste, and engaged in provocations to Iran that brought us to the brink of war with them. And now is upping the provocations with new rounds of sanctions.

So yeah, it looks like our one shot at that is lost, Washington never will learn.

And the backing of the US. Back when we allied ourself with him over Iran, still stinging from Iran having cast off the Shah we imposed upon them after destroying their democracy. So much for being the defender and promoter of democracy…

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This is all a fiasco of our own making. There was a very good reason that H.W. reined in Stormin’ Norman during GW1. It wasn’t because Saddam was a good guy, it was because he was a stabilizing force in the region. The chaos we see now is a direct result of his removal.

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You’re confirming that Israel has operatives in Iran who understand the Iranian language.

That’s correct. So easy to call “conspiracy BS” and bamboozle the public, especially if the true enemy of America has the monopoly over the mass media.

Wasn’t his birth mother ■■■■■■■ Not nice to talk about your compatriot that way.

Wishful thinking.

The US has a fleet around the gulf. A sitting duck.

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Not quite. We should have totally destroyed his military and then partnered with the Kurds to let them finish the job.

Once completed Iraq should have been broken up into 3-5 independent republics based on the traditional ethic and religious lines.

An independent Kurdistan encompassing their old traditional lines would be a check on both the Shia Republics in Iraq and Hopefully one day carved out of Syria, Turkey, and Iran.

The Shia extremists in Iran are the primary destabilizing force in the region and have been for a century.

break it up along the same lines. Persia, Shia republic, Kurdistan.

Iran is oppressed by an extremist shia minority and that same minority eports terrorism all across the region and the world.

Let the small Shia Republics formed out of Iran and Iraq join if they want, they’ll be checked by a huge anti shia majority and the kurds surrounding them.

Until something along these lines is done nothing is ever really going to change.

You’re making shit up again. Stanley Anne Dunham was raised Christian but turned Muslim marrying multiple Muslim men.

Her primary religion was Marxism though.


Iran is a sane country.

Question still remains why the error was made.
Could it be that the error was provoked?

Your source is pure crap, conspiracy nut nonsense.


The original source for the police report and FBI documents on the Dancing Israelis

Focusing on Israeli culpability for the 9-11 attacks and Zionism’s global reach,

along with the occasional, unrelated topic

Posts represent the opinion of the author.

“All war is based on deception.” - Sun Tzu

“By way of deception, thou shalt do war.” - former motto of the Mossad

RT is no better, it’s state propaganda from Putin’s propaganda ministry.

Iran is their client/puppet state so of course the Russians will always side with them.

The “error” is obvious. A nervous nut had his finger on the trigger expecting a US response to the missile strike.

More of Iran’s incompetence on display again.

Iran is just a Third World country.

Why is the US so uptight about it?

Gee I wonder? Maybe because they’ve been killing Americans for forty two years?

Maybe because 1/3 of the world’s petroleum, the very blood that keeps the industrialized world’s economies from collapsing passes through the Str of Hormuz every day?

Iran is a 2nd World country, they were aligned with Russia from the day Kohmeni took control onward to this day.

Never heard of the Shah, installed by the CIA?
Or is it just a conspiracy theory to you?

If the oil from the Persian Gulf area is cut for Japan and China, etc., why should the US military care?

The US is awash in crude oil under its soil.

Back up to 1917 and start forward from there with the history of Iran.

Why do we care? Because we understand that no matter how much oil we have in the US petroleum is traded globally at market rates.

Cut that critical supply from the gulf for even a few weeks and it plunges every industrialized nation on earth into chaos, a month or more a severe recession, and if it goes on for months on end a depression which could be irrecoverable from.

There is no extra petroleum just sitting around to replace that supply if it is cut off and the price would jump far beyond it’s previous 140.00/bbl high overnight.