Mom recounts savage beating during vacation at Dominican Republic resort

You are citing leftist virtue signaling trash. Try reading your own articles before you jump to post them in order to try to make an ill-conceived point.


The only Western nation in the top 10 and joint third with Syria for the risks women face in terms of sexual violence, including rape, sexual harassment, coercion into sex and a lack of access to justice in rape cases.

The survey came after the metoo campaign went viral last year, with thousands of women using the social media movement to share stories of sexual harassment or abuse.

They are literally basing their assessment off of the Twitter metoo bullshit. That is not a statistic.


Growing up, everyone that I know who did either taekwondo or kung fu ended up getting their asses kicked due to that false sense of confidence. They stopped getting their asses kicked when they learned to grapple and wrestle.

In a real street fight or a real violent encounter no one prances around like a little ■■■■■■ on an exercise mat. Attackers always move in quickly to close distance to prevent a defensive strike. That’s where grappling and wrestling comes in.


In a real life situation without weight classes grappling is far superior to striking it’s amazing people still don’t know this and think practicing how to kick and punch or special wrist locks will win then the day

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Stats before the metoo bullshit. US in 14th place, EU average in 40th place.

A well built 6-ft tall man that decided to attack you would destroy you in seconds there’s no two ways about it you have a false sense of security and that puts you in more danger because you are not living in reality

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EU average? Guess you need to include places like Liechtenstein to reduce the impact of having a rapey place like Sweden at the top of the list.

You are trying way too hard.


You’re completely missing my point. I am not advocating sticking around to fight. I am talking about running. Doing enough to get those vital few seconds. I doubt if most 6ft 4 meatheads could outrun me.

No, just doing your research for you. If you cared to look further on the list, the countries are listed.

So now you can out sprint a 6-ft 4 man How much of a head start do you think you will have? what type of ground are you running on? what type of shoes are you wearing? Have you even warmed up? considering he’s planning to attack you he would have taken these things into account before deciding that you are his target

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Vacationing in the third world has become increasingly less safe over the past decade. I used to vacation in Mexico with my buddies for New Year’s every year starting in 2005. We quit going in 2010 because it was starting to get sketchy. We switched to Jamaica in 2011 and we got into a brawl with the hotel workers at Sandals for acting like a bunch of animals towards the girls we were with. Now we just vacation in the US. Plenty of lakes and beaches to choose from. We are doing Tahoe (Nevada side) in July.


Not Mike Tyson though eh? :wink:

Boomers are finally encountering the diversity they welcomed all their life.

They thought they could turn the American Continent brown and leave the issues for their grandkids to deal with, but for these boomers, diversity has finally caught up to them and they payed the toll.


She’ll be on American TV within a few months, after the swelling goes down:

But I can’t blame the Dominicans, they’re all so warm and wonderful; the nurses in the hospital were so concerned for me; the doctors constantly checking up on me; it really is a beautiful country with beautiful people; you know, this was just one, single person who committed a random, opportunistic attack; why, if he hadn’t done it, a white man would’ve!


No you wouldn’t be able out sprint Mike Tyson 99.9 percent of the male population could kill you if they chose to and that includes Muslim rape gangs :grinning:

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Sad but true. They will trot her out on all the morning shows and make sure all of her close-up shots have a nice soft focus. She will then tell us “not all savages” and we will all go along on our merry way like happy little NPCs.

Ross, your game is up.

More than that, if you separate crime associated with gangs (whatever their ethnicity) out of the stats you can get a clear picture of the whats and whys of most crime.

Habitual violent criminals are the problem in most every category. Habitual criminals tend to socially clump together too.

But sadly because Peak Idiot is unlikely to happen many people will not admit that because the gangs have been more successful recruiting among minorities (even though they still make up a small part of the general population even still) and so they both abandon both reason and the greater percentage of the minorities in question because they’re not “racist”.

Who is this Ross that you speak of??? I’m RICKTHBOSS

Usain bolt is 6 foot 5 and you cannot OutRun him you delusional fool you’re defence classes are useless

Now leave me alone with your absolute nonsense

Your defense of your intellect is futile. It is you that is the delusional fool here. You’re suffering from delusions of adequacy.

I don’t understand why you’re consistently rude to me I know being bitchy is synonymous with the homosexual community but I still don’t understand your behaviour :rainbow_flag::rainbow_flag::rainbow_flag:

Do you believe that Jen can out run a grown men on uneven ground late at night whilst being surprised in high heels and wearing clothes that are unsuitable for sprinting in are you angry at me for saying that is not very probable and that Jen is a delusion fool you two are crazy I think I’m just trying to be the Voice of Reason I don’t want people having false senses of security because I’m a nice person like that you should watch out to homophobic attacks are becoming more common